    What could make you leave home?

    I've loved every city I've visited and wished for means to move there. Then I get home and there is no place like it. What would you leave for?

    +6  Views: 986 Answers: 10 Posted: 8 years ago

    10 Answers

    Love and money, with the money I'd have the means to move back if and when.

    ....when we were younger, $$$$, we are happy 

    A home on the water with a golf course nearby and a climate that doesn't allow snow. Whenever I might miss the cold weather, I could fly back home and stay for a while....I'm pretty sure that a week would be fine.



    I would leave for acreage,however a bit old for running acreage,Image and video hosting by TinyPic

    Well some might leave their home , home town, COUNTRY for something of a little better life. Huh.

    terryfossil 1

    All the above Zorro..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Not much, maybe later move to southern Nevada or some place like that. Some small town that never left the last century. We have visited a few of them on our trips to Vegas. Semi ghost towns. 

    Leaving for an ocean view, big city, country back road, mountain retreat....I'd pack right now were it not for my two sons and all the grandchildren minutes away.


    terryfossil 1

    We packed up and moved away from all of them,,if they wanna see us,they are free to drive down here..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I'm OK, my home, my church, my bowling friends.

    A place in the sun was always my dream when I was younger.  Now I'm happy where I am.


    Sunny Essex.

    That is right Roy, we do get more sunshine than the rest of the country, but we get a lot of wind as well, not just the stomach churning kind either. It's a lovely sunny day at the moment temp about 18c

    I Think the people you are with is more important then the Place,,


    Wonderful thought, Dennis. The best answer ever!

    You old softy Dennis.

    I'd like to move to someplace where there's not so many low lifes..


    I will move then,M,C,M,
    terryfossil 1

    You would have to go back to the 50's for that MCM,,times have sure changed eh????..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    Human life can't be supported anywhere but earth, so you're stuck.

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