    Who, in your life are you missing still?

    I had to drag out the question so that this thing doesn't think it's a repeat.  I'm asking, vwhi do you miss the most;  be it a parent or friend or lover,? What leaves a big empty in your life? 

    +7  Views: 617 Answers: 10 Posted: 8 years ago

    10 Answers

    Our beautiful darling Susan.Oldest daughter & a real treasure.

    country bumpkin

    You make me want to cry. I am so very sorry for the loss of your daughter Susan. I love you Tommyh.

    Didn't mean to stir up emotions but maybe it's a good thing. Do you cry for her often? I hope so.
    country bumpkin

    Not quite sure where you are coming from Julie.

    Mourning is a private place and it is personal. You cry when you are sad but you don't always want someone around anymore. It should be ok to be selfish and cry your heart out.

    Yes it is okay to indulge ourselves in a bit of self-pity. I do it. I cry over my losses... who else will? It makes me feel a bit better because I end up reflecting on how great our love is and that we have an endless supply especially for our beautiful loved ones.
    Yes it takes a lot to laugh but it only takes a train to cry ....

    Every day Julie.Every time someone mentions her name.I miss her terribly.But I hope she's in a better place now.She went thru hell & never complained.

    My Mum. and dad.

    My Paw.

    He was so encouraging and such a character. I will never forget him... ever.

    My grandma, my mom and dad and aunt and uncle,my two cousins,  and my husband. Not necessarily in that order. And I miss my boy cat, Tigger. 

    I have lost so many people whom I love and most of them died way too young. My best friend Linda who died at the age of 39  is who I miss the most.  Her birthday would be tomorrow if she were still alive. Our birthdays are/were only two days apart. I think this is one of the reasons why we understood each other so well.

    My sister. 


    I guess that would have to be my old man..geez that sounds funny..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    country bumpkin

    It doesn't make sense to miss someone so much who didn't give us the time of day. I think I understand where you are coming from Terry.
    terryfossil 1


    Quite a few,But most of all my oldest Brother Thomas Patrick,

    When I was a kid, we went to Redwood City for Christmas and Easter. Mom and Dad, Aunts Almos / Barbara / May / and Sara, Uncles Nishan/ Jack / Harry /Jim / Bob are all gone now. My sister, cousins, and I are now "on deck". 

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