
    The UK have voted to leave the EU.

    It's UK independence day.

    +4  Views: 870 Answers: 7 Posted: 8 years ago

    7 Answers

    Yet the scaremongering goes on, we are ALL doomed!!!!

    The markets will settle down once the shock of this result dies down, nothing much will change except we'll have a different Tory Prime Minister and Chancellor of the Exchequer.

    I'm in a funny wee position as I voted to leave and my whole country voted by a majority to remain, that's how democracy works, I can see another Independence referendum coming up for Scotland in the near future, we'll just have to wait and see, same as everyone else.


    I was surprised with the results in Scotland Roy, because after all it was us working class that swung it, which ever party they normally voted for, it's been the less well off and the working class that have suffered the most,. now the posh boys in Westminster will need to listen.

    I agree Dave.
    The SNP were in the remain camp, they have a lot of influence on the voters, Labour are no longer a force in Scotland, not that that matters, they were remain too.
    BTW, I vote SNP in elections, I don't always do what I'm told though, I vote with my head, not my heart.
    terryfossil 1

    I reckon the share market has been thrown a curve,because this has never happened before nobody knows what the full ramifications will be,,Scotland was a surprise Roy,,as was the whole of England voted to leave except for London,,that's to stay was only Scotland,Northern Ireland,and London..have a look at this map if you have not already,,>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    And the Donald has just arrived in Scotland, he's bound to have an opinion .
    terryfossil 1

    The times they are a changing Sunny..for better or worse?? only time will tell..>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..
    terryfossil 1

    Brexit certainly affected Aussie via the share market,,i just checked it and i lost 2 grand just like that,,sooner Uk puts forth a form 50 the better for the rest of the world,,Cameron is just having a dummy spit,the idiot should start the exit procedure for the incoming Prime Minister,,that would make it better for everybody concerned..>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    The Germans said they will leave thier Goalkeeper out when we play them football if we stay,


    Yes it's got em rattled/worried , they don't like the old cold steel up em Mr Mannering.

    Now they are saying , they want us out quick, well the sooner the better as far as I am concerned . What they are really worried about is that more people in Europe will want to leave.

    Should be home this morning.

    Now that was a shambles.

    To late the Icelanders got thier first,,

    Yeah! so what happens next Dave?


    Sorry Tommy I wrote a comment to you as an answers below
    terryfossil 1

    Do not check you super right now>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Hey Dave,i cannot believe Scotland and Ireland voted to stay in,and little London voted to stay,,BTW,as soon as it became obvious the leave vote was gonna win,our share market in Aussie dived big time which will hurt all of us retirees,,however if i was to vote,i would have voted to leave,,i think it is important a country has it's independence..


    Things can only get better Terry.
    terryfossil 1

    I reckon you are right mate..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    The reason London voted to stay in Terry is because most of the people who live there are either rich boys who work in the city, or middle class , none of them even knew there was a recession on , they all live in their big houses worth millions, they don't have a clue how the rest of us live.

    We take back control of our borders, with a system similar to yours , we make our own laws instead of having to get the go ahead from Brussels.  And we stop paying £350,000,000 a week to the unelected leaders of Europe to waste. That's just for starters. 

    Watch this space Tommy. 


    Sorry this answer should have been a comment to Tommy's answer.
    terryfossil 1

    Hey Dave,our border control only works if we stop them from landing within our border,because once they enter Aussie control,they then have access to our justice system,so we park them outside our borders so when they are processed and deemed illegal,,we can then return them to their country without them appealing our judgement..not all refugees escaping to Aussie are escaping persecution,,they simply want to go to a better country than their own,without going through the legal channels,therefore keeping someone in a refugee settlement that otherwise might be accepted into Aussie legally..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

                                              alea iacta est



    Yes the die is definitely cast.
    We are coming out.

    I don't know what to think. Will y'all celebrate with fireworks and hot dogs and with watermelon if you're lucky? 


    Nope, not that great a victory, most people are more confused than they were before the vote, nobody knows what happens next, it's unprecedented.
    country bumpkin

    Juli, here in Scotland we would celebrate by walking the dog, bbq-ing lamb shishkebabs with fresh strawberries on the side.. :)

    Yes Julie we are celebrating with anything we can get our hands on.
    A nice bottle of French Champagne, to start with.

    Click once Dave, it usually goes through, unless you are suffering from Parkinsons, then I get the reason.

    It was excitement Roy, I had been waiting for this day for 30 years.

    I can't really understand why most Scots want to leave the UK and be told what to do by EU. I can't see the logic,

    We will have control over our own country, Scotland is already negotiating with the EU. be prepared to pay more for your whisky, I still like the idea of being totally Independent though, might not be possible.
    country bumpkin

    For yo Julie. This article helped me to get a grasp. I hope you read and enjoy.

    Good analogy CB.

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