
    for those that know,we have held the title for 10 years out of 11 years,, A photo of the Billy Moore Queenslander chant..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..""

    +8  Views: 855 Answers: 5 Posted: 8 years ago

    5 Answers

    I love it !!

    >>>   !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    terryfossil 1

    Way above cool Lindi,,OUTSTANDING,,please excuse my exureberance..but pride in the maroons runs very high in Queensland..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<.. ....
    terryfossil 1

    Lindi,i watched that link you put up at least 3 times,and i will probably watch it again,it gives me a shiver up my spine..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    This is just the best broohaha ever !!! These guys rock!
    terryfossil 1

    Lindi... Broohaha..?????????

    Spelled it wrong ... here> A brouhaha, from French brouhaha, is a state of social agitation when a minor incident gets out of control, sometimes referred to as an uproar or hubbub..... or a royal bloody riot !!

    uh, "yippy" ?


    I guess you & Julie don't know much about Rugby League hey Phyl?
    That's OK. We don't know much about gridiron.But it really is a big thing here.I'm not exactly a rabid fan myself.But it is good to see Queensland get up again & again.

    If you're happy, I'm happy

    Cool I think.....

    It's good to be a Queenslander hey mate? I guess this proves were the best.


    Congrats on another stellar year!
    terryfossil 1

    Hopefully it will be a whitewash in a coupla weeks Tom,,Here is an interesting stat Tom..Since 1980 QUEENSLAND HAVE HAD 8 COACHES,,NSW have had 13 coaches..and QUEENSLAND HAVE HAD 12 CAPTAINS,,NSW have had 18 captains,,there is just 2 of the main reasons why Queensland is just that little bit better than NSW..@ Bob,i am sorry for causing your confusion,,but this game is played 3 times per year against 2 states,,it was born in blood and guts,state against state,mate against mate,Cane Toad and Cockroach,Maroons and Blues,,a major event in 3 states..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I can't appreciate THIS sport Queenslander, but I can certainly appreciate that feeling of watching "your team" play and especially when they win or even play really well. There is nothing like being in a crowd of like-minded sports fans. So much fun!!!!


    terryfossil 1

    Cultures vary in different countries Duck..the guys in your photo do not look to interested in the game,i am assuming it is a baseball game.??????..

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