    Do you feed wild animals?

    While laying on the ground after my hammock dumped me,  I noticed my wild bird feeder was empty of suet. Do you feed the birds or anything? 

    +3  Views: 533 Answers: 7 Posted: 8 years ago

    7 Answers

    I feed the seagulls when we go to the beach.They really like chips.(French fries).


    Here in the UK you get fined for feeding the seagulls apparently. Mind you, you don't get a lot of choice ,because they swoop down and grab them from your hand little buggers, well they are big buggers around here actually.

    They are very persistant.I love to watch them fight & squabble over a bloody chip for god's sake!
    country bumpkin

    They like chips but they won't touch a potato peel. LOL

    I try not to,,it is very important that wild animals do not become reliant on humans to feed them,,and some of the stuff we feed them is not good for them..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..""

    We do feed the birds in our garden, but we make sure the feeders and bird tables are high enough so that the cats can't get to them. The birds torment the cats, and the cats just sit on the ground clicking their teeth at them.

    We have suet blocks and a couple hummingbird feeders. We make our own hummingbird solution, they seem to like it better. But that's about it. Most wild animals around here are pests and Thunder takes care of them.

    When I open a tin of tuna I pour the juice in a bowl and set it outside for the cats to lap up.  The  crows and seagulls occasionally get a piece of stale bread tossed out the  kitchen window.  

    ....we put out bits of food by the bird bath.

    ....two turtles show up early in the mornings

    ....and rabbits feed on the grass

    .... I feed the ducks when walking

    Yes they actually do like cream of wheat with sugar and butter.


    LoL Mother used to tell us we were like wild animals ... she fed us cream of wheat too!

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