    Has a doctor ever steered you wrong?

    Have  you been misdiagnosed or blown off for something real?



    +5  Views: 698 Answers: 7 Posted: 8 years ago

    7 Answers

    ....fortunately, no.

    Yes, I was blown off by a nurse practitioner when I had polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR), an inflammatory muscle disease. Such pain I have never experienced in my life! Her response, "We'll wait a couple of weeks and do some blood tests". Knowing that something was seriously wrong with me, I went immediately to a walk-in clinic and was seen by a doctor on call, who went through the roof about this situation being ignored. She sent a scathing note to the NP. I later learned that the high rate of inflammation in my body, could have caused a stroke, an aneurism, blindness or a heart attack! Thanks to her (Dr. on call), I'm still here and doing well.


    Good thinking. That NP sounds lazy and stupid.

    Not stupid but she knows that I use the services of a Naturopathic Doctor. THEY can't possibly know as much as SHE does! Interestingly enough, she is always amazed at "my numbers" and I quote..."Wow, I don't know what kind of a diet you're on but keep doing whatever you're doing".

    Maybe she should ask!

    Some medical people don't want to know. I would be on many prescriptions if I hadn't said no to her so often....7-8 times! I've said to her, "No need for a pill. I can fix it with diet and exercise". She forgets those conversations.

    No one wants to be wrong.

    Exactly, but that's pretty hard on patients! Lives can be at stake. Pick another profession where never being wrong is okay.



    So far, so good. I'm an advocate for myself, though.


    Same here. Sometimes I wish I didn't read so much and ask so many questions. I am not at all trusting of the medical profession, in general. Too many mistakes that simply get ignored. :(

    I heard the floor nurses talking outside my hospital room door when I had ceasarian surgery to get Storm out. They were saying that I might have Munchausen by proxy because I kept asking and asking what was wrong with my baby's spine....

    I left very soon after that and was quite angry about it.

    She was diagnosed with congenital spinal scoliosis attached to a genetic mutation known as pseudoachondroplasia when she was 2 years old.


    Yikes! That was quite an accusation! :(

    I was so pee-oh'd Ducky!! I couldn't believe what I was hearing! I was so concerned about my little baby who was screaming like a banshee every time someone picked her up... it was a painful sound! I learned quickly to pick her up and hold her in a standing position versus laying in my arms... it worked like a charm.

    Too bad all nurses are not as compassionate as we would expect them to be. That would go a long way to relieving a lot of stressful situations. Sadly <sigh> they are not.

    Some people are really f***ing ignorant, and actually quite loud about it.

    I was really very upset and felt that if my baby was compromised that they were somehow responsible for ... well ... like negligence or something. I figured out on my own within days that there was something up with my little girl. Her wrists and ankles had mobility that was outrageous and her hips were just weird and her spine had this hollow[?] in it that I could place my index finger in... that's where her spine had a 50 degree [cobb angle] curve to the left and the indentation [there...that's the word] was significant of that spinal column having curved like that! But no-ooooo [big hint of sarcasm inflection] ... I had Munchausen's by proxy right? Arrrrrgh!

    Were you two sent home to believe her condition was no cause for concern?

    I left with her at 27 hours old and 5 lb. 1 oz. Doctor said I couldn't leave with her but I looked him in the eyes and said 'Try to stop me' and my big bad biker tattoo covered beast of a [then] husband just grinned at him and said...'I ain't helping you' and we left. I had contracted pneumonia in that hospital which was famous for super-bugs and my little baby was 7 lbs by the end of the week. My idiotstik ex did nothing and dang I almost died but prayed and prayed to the Brother and Master JC and was suddenly feeling quite well indeed! No antibiotics or anything and my baby thrived in spite of it all plus I breastfed! Her nose was terribly stuffed up as well until that prayer session. Best healing I ever experienced that was!!

    You could write a book.
    Our hospitals are bad like that...scabies and staph infections, for example.

    That particular place had been rated #1 as the worst for the spread of infectious diseases which is totally attributable to privatization of cleaning staff!

    Hospitals should be held to the highest standards. No outside bunch knows how to clean a hospital.

    My wife has,she was diagnosed with cancer,and we were made to wait 5 days to see a specialist,who then told us it was not cancer,,but it was 5 days of a lot of imagination running wild..>>>>>>><<<<<<<..


    Doctors should be held accountable for those kinds of 'errors'. If they were hit in the bank account, they would be much more attentive to their jobs! There is no excuse for causing a patient that kind of stress. I also think that the doctor who gives the correct diagnosis, should be obligated by law, to report the mistaken doctor! That is why it continues....they cover for each other. Sad.
    terryfossil 1

    TU Duck..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    When I was sixteen I had a poisonous hand. The hospital doctor prescribed penicillin, unfortunately they gave me a course of tablets, and told me to call at the hospital every day for an injection,  I had a double dose. After three days I couldn't keep awake, fortunately my sister called the doctor, he told me to stop the tablets, that was a close one.


    Double doses and RXs that don't mix are a constant problem. You are really lucky your sister made that call!

    My wife is a chiropractor. She sees a lot of people that had bad luck with medical doctors. One good example a mother brought her 4 week baby in because he had been crying all the time. Pediatricians could not figure out the problem. She adjusted his neck and the baby suddenly stopped crying. Baby probably had a problem during birth and was in pain. Remember all doctors are humans. They make mistakes. Its best to have a couple of doctors available to have a different perspective of treatment and experiences.


    The man I care for had his leg broken at birth. It took forever before someone decided that something was wrong.....

    Unfortunately, many medical doctors still think that chiropractors are "quacks" and would never recommend going to one. I personally, went to a chiropractor before most people even knew what it was.....helped me immensely!

    Chiropractic is something no one should be without!

    Osteopaths are pretty good too.

    My mother ended up in traction for two week because of a chiropractor. Bad choice in her case……..

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