However, given that humans are such an array of psyches, we now have a third category of murder and I am not including war casualties here because that is a whole other ballgame.
In reflecting on a few recent cases of 'terrorism' classed domestic I see that there are some very 'personal' issues for theshooters... for example in the San Bernadino shootings the guy was pee-oh'd about being overlooked for advancement within his company , terrorized his wife into helping him, the tie to the idea of Islam was that they together went and got themselves trained in tactics, went back to the USA and then exacted his revenge upon his peers at a dinner function.Another example involves the youngMuslim man who survived his suicide-bomb attempt and when asked why he did it he simply said "Because they killed my friend". Now we have this maniac most recently going and killing off defenceless people because he has a scrambled view of his own little world, quite simply, a madman... with some demented and contradictory ties/views to pretty much every terrorist group of an extremist Islamic nature.The trend appears to be one of mentally deranged people using Islam in some way as a means to commit sociopathic acts. Guns will always be available whether there is 'gun control' or not! Look at Canada!!! You can buy high powered automatic weapons here too.
There has been at least one "mass murder" leading back to Muslim terrorism every year of Obama's reign.
5 Answers
Type into your browser how many mass shootings there have been in the UK verses the USA in 2016 and you will see there have been no UK mass shootings in the UK this year compared to 136 in the USA so far. Islam is one of the main religions in the UK, these shootings aren't about RELIGION, availability of automatic weapons ARE!
8 years ago. Rating: 8 | | do we calculate the mental health of our country and the affect on the value of life ? it Islam, hate, leadership, race, gay, religion, drugs, wars, education, guns, economy, laws, lack of public awareness and action and or love of our brothers ?
8 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
I'm gonna get run down by a bus tomorrow, I don't plan on going out, so it isn't going to happen, all these things are based on FEAR, but then again, automatic weapons are only used by our forces here.
8 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
Time Magazine website has a good recap of mass killing going back to the 1980's. The definition of mass killing needs to be established. There are 3 on its list for 2016.
The 2008 shooting at Ft. Hood, Texas, was the first attributed to Islamic extremism. A military psychiatrist was the murderer.
The 2nd amendment guarantees the right for us to bear arms. The process for buying guns isn't perfect, but taking away our right to possess them should not be under attack.
8 years ago. Rating: 6 | |