    Are you proud or ashamed of the behaviour of England soccer supporters in France?

    Pointless question, I suppose.

    +5  Views: 821 Answers: 7 Posted: 8 years ago


    7 Answers

    3 days of violence and Russian fans kicking Brit fan unconscious. Riot Police not doing a good job. From what I've read, it's hard to know who started all that. I've read only one article, though.

    BUT, who has time to feel ashamed of somebody else, unless he actually could cast the first stone


    A pointless question indeed

     How could I possibly be proud of the so called 'soccer fans' who, regardless of their nationality, wilfully took part in the reckless and bloody violence inside and outside of the stadium. And why should I feel ‘ashamed’ for the actions and behaviour of persons of whom I am not responsible for. I am neither proud nor ashamed, but I am deeply horrified and angry at what has happened these last few days.


    terryfossil 1

    your not an Aussie West-bus,,i thought only Aussie called it Soccer..????????>>>>>>>><<<<<<<.

    ....sorry, unaware of what happened.

    Golly, I only caught the tail end of the story on the radio. I didn't know the story until now. Fighting, physically, is so stupid. I don't care who started it but I'm beginning to sense that what the rest of the world calls FOOTBALL is taken very, very seriously. Cripes! It's just a game or am I a heathen now?

    Funny, most England fans are there to watch the football, the past England "supporters" have made it very difficult for them, they will be goaded and they will react, not to say they are to blame.

    They just lost a goal as I type, let's see what happens now.

    England 1-1 Russia................BUMMER..........BWaHAAAaaaHaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!


    We were Rob Ted,,

    Good game, good equaliser.
    Violence is continuing I hear.

    I can understand the odd punch up,,but riot,?????,,what are they fighting over,it had to be the ref,but neither side won or lost,,i am as competitive as the next man,,but no winner no loser,no more competition..""

    I wrote 'soccer' instead of football as Americans call their brand of football 'football' whereas Brits call it American Football. The word soccer is a contraction of Association football. I thought some people, a very few, might have some pride in the England fans with their aggressive attitude and fighting wartime spirit.



    We are revolting Norm,,

    Speak for yourself, hec.

    Wouldn't a more logical contraction be Assball or Assfoot ?

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