    Is the modern psychology harmful to the healthy societies?

    The modern psychology or just psychology pseudoscience only.

    The psychologists making the world for sicker and sicker.

    Before the "psychology age" the priests and pastors cured the souls. And was not too many sick people. And now? 

    Other question to this question: Which is the direction for this planned and organised psychological  crime?

                    I think from west to east. 


    +4  Views: 1606 Answers: 5 Posted: 8 years ago

    5 Answers

    ....they are like economists that view/interpret their set of facts and taut their answer/direction. today's world everyone is right; if you don't believe it, ask them.

    ....have you ever seen/heard so many smart idiots on the news ?

    ....hint: begin with Congress.


    Direction: circular, as in never-ending cycle.

    Psychology today seems to look for a diagnosis to explain, and, too often, excuse abhorrent behavior. 

    Mental illness is hard to understand and harder to treat.

    The field of psychology is an invention. Sadly it has led to criminal activity and the creation of some of the most mind bending, mind-wrecking drugs in the universe all as a ruse to control populations of people. In fact one of the most predominantly used group of guinea pigs for these drugs is our prison populations... a captive group if I ever saw one. In any case I think, if nothing else, psychology has enhanced the field of neurology in such a way as to show that the physicality of the brain is what determines some or most behaviours abnormal or not. That being said, what about this.....


    A lady nurse caught this big dude trapesing through her back yard in Utah state.... woohoo Bigfoot!!!




    Out of my realm of understanding..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    All to deep for me,I will have to ask Colleen ,or Hillary,,Or Ted Even.??at a pinch,,Or even Bob,or Lindy,,

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