    I was just thinking if ......

    I was just thinking if this site were to close, would you perhaps see a positive side to it and, for example, look at it as a window of opportunity for something new? After all, considering all those many hours you've sat at a desk, time or the lack of it would be no issue.

    How say you?

    +9  Views: 2074 Answers: 11 Posted: 8 years ago

    11 Answers

    AKAQA is my time filler,  my go to, my vent be it good or bad. I'd miss it terribly. I hope something happens rather sooner than later.  It's like falling off a cliff in slow motion. I don't do cross word puzzles.......

    It would be OK, though I'd wonder about so many of you. Having some connections through Facebook is good, and a couple of email addresses. 

    There are A LOT of other things I could be doing, for sure!

    I would miss akaqa a large amount that's for sure. I got over the 'willies' of talking to unknown people, I gained practice using search engines and directing others to cool sites, have learned all kinds of things from other members like writing in the same manner as I might speak except without all the profanity!!! LoL

    HOWEVER, I must add that not ALL of us are trapped behind a desk there west-bus .... hehehehe!



    Best answer by far, you are a much respected member of this little club, how is our wee Storm?

    She is draining my wallet because PROM!!! Grad 2016 and the theme is the rockin' 80s ! LOL She is also mastering her littlescoot mini-segway now .... what a cool device!! I scored a grant to get her one and it is the cat's patooty! I am no longer pushing her in a w-chair and so we can walk side by side and go on walks now... I actually started bawling a bit when we took our first 'walk' together...LOL [wot a wuss eh?] ;D

    Not at all! When your "kid" becomes more independent and self-sufficient, it's a big change for us. Our kids are becoming adults, responsible for themselves more and making choices without our swaying input. Tough times for us...bittersweet. Exciting times for them. :-]

    It sure is a time for big changes Bob! Storm just got the first of several scholarships... this award is called "The Standing Tall" award and is worth a cool 25 hundred toward tuition! It is for the student in our district who overcame the most adversity and finished high school in spite of it!! My little champion!! ;) Yay!

    Congratulations- well deserved!

    .....aaaaaand she just turned 18 and got her first tattoo .... meeeeps! said the Mom!!!

    Hope it was tasteful. They don't wash off

    LOL It is ... she designed it and then chose an excellent artist. It is a cool commemorative tattoo for her surgeries. She has wanted it for four years but Mom said" not until you're 18 'cause then I can't say no!" Man they grow up fast. ;(

    Oh, sweetie, some never grow up at all! You are blessed with a thoughtful, beautiful, intelligent, caring daughter who is "morphing" into your best friend. You be blessed, momma!

    Awww thank YOU momma! ;)

    I'd miss the friends I've made that don't like to contact me by other means, other than that, I wouldn't miss the basic concept of akaQA.

    It would be the saddest and most tragic event of my life. Not knowing what to do with my new spare time, I'd probably take up bowling. What a horrible thought !


    There are worse things than bowling, like, well, I'm sure there's something

    Golf!!! Take this any way you like. lol

    This summer, I'm going to the driving range to hit golf balls. Don't have the skill to play a round, even at the par 3 course. We only have 14 hours of daylight.

    Anybody can learn to play (passable) golf. I took lessons before I ever held a club. The instructor said that is the easiest person to teach. She may have changed her mind after she met me. haha

    Go for it Phyllis, I was a 9 handicapper back beyond never, best game I ever played, @digger, I was a pretty good football player, never a great bowler, practise makes perfect.

    My college love took a golf class for his PE major and loved it, so I took some lessons, got some clubs (which I still have, 40 years later), and we played golf. He went left, I went right, we'd meet on the putting green....good times

    Roy, you always surprise me with your experiences

    That's ok, Romos. Bowling doesn't count if you're a man.

    I do very little now, bad shoulders from doing too much, bummer!

    You're just Pickier about how you spend your time.
    I'm gonna ignore the jabs from the guy who doesn't instigate.
    terryfossil 1

    Digger if you are no good at it do not knock it,,every sport has skill,,bowling may not be your sport,just as Soccer and AFL is not mine..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    It's OK, terry.

    We have long, cold, rainy winters here in Scotland so not much to do but hibernate indoors. I have spent a lot of time playing on the computer this past winter but with the sun shining and the higher temps I am enjoying being away from the computer and I'm not missing aka much. When winter arrives again, I'll be happy that aka is still here at my leisure.

    I Think id do a Dusty Sprinfield,as in,{{I Dont know what to do with myself,}}


    Thanks Ted you found it,,,,,,,,,,


    I'm sure your Mother would remember her Dougal.

    Good songs.

    Those were the days my friends,,

    ....simply, more honeydos.


    Would you miss us?
    Benthere much as you would miss me.

    ....OK, I'll cry too.

    I spend way to much time on this computer,,and i enjoy talking on AKA,,as Roy has said some of us have email or skype,or the dreaded Facebook,,i think it is a good thing among agreeing members,conversing with people of different countries is an experience,>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    I guess if AKA folded we have the choice of Facebook, which personally i 'm not keen on, or E Mails, it would be great ( may be ) if we had our own site, weather that is possible i don't know.    :)

    terryfossil 1

    I am okay with emails Kent,,but as of yet,that facebook stuff scares me,there is a long list of people that are forever getting into trouble on facebook,,i am not ready for that crap yet..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I would miss learning about life in other countries......such as Australia  and  the U.K. 


    How about Botswana,??

    What's going on in Botswana now? :O

    Find out for me please Lindy,as my laptops gone wrong,,

    Thats the larst thing i need at the moment is being wacked by a bushman,will have to cancel holiday thier next week,thanks for info,,Miss Lindy,,

    and you ... for the laugh...

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