    Muhammad Ali gone at age 74....


    The greatest and most controversial boxer ever!

    (January 17, 1942 - June 03, 2016)


    +12  Views: 1338 Answers: 10 Posted: 8 years ago

    10 Answers

    This is the first I've heard but suspected as much when I heard the family was gathering. I heard it HERE in opposed to FB! What a man. And known for a sport but well known beyond that. May Allah be seeing to him now. 

    RIP, The Greatest................................


    terryfossil 1

    Roy,he is the only boxer i know of,that could knock you out while back pedaling..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    May Allah's peace be upon him ...

    Here is an incredible photo collection .... from Cassius Clay to Mohammad Ali ...




    RIP Ali.

    The Greatest can now Rest in Peace. in peace.

    Outstanding athlete and outspoken advocate for black Americans, may his legacy endure 

    The King of Rock &lsquo;n&rsquo; Roll, Elvis Presley, meets the Greatest, Muhammad Ali in Las Vegas in February 1973.The King of Rock meets The Greatest of boxing,,And now they will meet again,,RIP  (The Louiesville Lip )..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Sadly his Parkinson's disease was aggrevated  by punches to his head! He lived near us and did build a baseball stadium or field near Berrien Springs years back! Sad to have your career helping you to death! RIP ALI!


    terryfossil 1

    Dunno Clu,,he was one fighter that did not cop the number of beatings other fighters copped,,he was the one with the pretty face,,others like foreman and Frazier and Norton ended up looking like they had been through a meat grinder,,but no Parkinson's for them...people that have never been in a fight get Parkinson's..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    Yes Terry I realize that but it was said that this head beating did contribute to his death! I do think everything you do while alive will sooner or later lead to death! :):)
    terryfossil 1

    Don't say that Clu,if that was the case i would have died 20 years ago..:):):)..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Ali was a male chauvinist pig!


    I take it you were not that fond of him then,??
    country bumpkin

    He was a great fighter and he had a wonderful personality, but he treated his wives like something to scrape off of the bottom of a shoe.
    terryfossil 1

    He was a muslim CB,do you think that had anything to do with how he treated his wives,>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..
    country bumpkin

    The thought never crossed my mind Terry.

    I don't remember hearing about his treatment of his wives. Was it the typical of many rich celebrities? :(
    country bumpkin

    He was really nasty to his wife during an interview I watched.

    First? Second? Third? Fourth? I don't even remember how many times he was married. Many, I think.
    country bumpkin

    The lady who he was married to when he died. I have searched the net looking for the video with no luck.

    I believe you.

    He met his current wife when he was 21! She was 6!

    Muhammed married his 4th wife when she was 6.
    country bumpkin

    I didn't know he met his current wife/widow when she was only 6 but it does make more sense to me now why he cut her words off in an interview and answered for her. She didn't like his answer and she made it clear by her facial expressions.
    country bumpkin

    Bob, your comment above my comment went through before I finished writing mine, I took Clu's comment as Ali had met his future wife to be when she was 6.

    CB, not to worry. The class in early Islam was difficult, but that's one fact (!) I remember.
    terryfossil 1

    I think your on the money Bob,and i am not sure but i think her name was Aisha,,and i do not believe the kid was happy with the idea..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Yes, terry, that was her name, she was his favorite wife, and fought against his son-in-law, Ali, succeeding him.

    He married his fourth wife when she was 6?????? Where was her mommy?
    terryfossil 1

    Yeah Duck,i reckon that's the part where things get murky..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    Very. This thread has me totally confused.

    The prophet Muhammad, not the boxer, Ducky.

    Well, I'm still back at the boxer. CB said "Ali was a male chauvinist pig". I'm staying right here until somebody tells me I must move on..... lol

    His first marriage ended b/c his wife wouldn't convert to Islam. His second wife was married to him at 16, 4 kids, and divorced after 10 years. Kids feel abandoned. Third wife, 2 daughters, one Laila, the boxer. Fourth wife, Yolanda, had been a friend since 1964. They adopted a child. She took care of him as his health declined and should inherit a substantial portion of his estate. He was known to have trouble with monogamy.

    The prophet or the boxer????? (Just kidding.) Thanks for the summation. I suppose I should learn to use Google. lol

    All I said was he MET his current wife when she was 6 years old. I don't think he married her then!

    Aw, come on clu. This confusion is ALL your fault. lol

    Yolanda was born in 1957. She met Ali in 1963. He was 21; she was 6 1/2. They married in 1986, having been friends for years. There's nothing to get excited about with this one, peeps. My sister's first husband married his best friend's daughter, for goodness's sake. THAT'S weird!

    It all depends on what we're used to hearing, right Bob? Have we already "heard it all"? :)

    I've heard enough from your Canadian buddy with the cigar, but that's a different topic. I think it best I take my BS values and find other things to do with my time. Enough is enough.
    Blessings, Ducky.

    "My buddy with the cigar", (I think) is usually just joking or poking. He has a very sarcastic sense of humor and loves to get a reaction. That's my take on him anyway.
    terryfossil 1

    He is still your buddy from AKA Bob..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Joking around is fine. I can take good humor. Calling someone's values BS is not humor.

    Not nice....maybe I missed that.
    terryfossil 1

    As did i Duck..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

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