    Guys and gals..

    If you have a lot of workmates women and men,,and you are talking to someone about your friends at work,,and you use this sentence,," Yes the guys at work are a good bunch of people",do you think it right to refer to the women as one of the guys..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..""

    +8  Views: 1803 Answers: 7 Posted: 8 years ago

    7 Answers

    I don't like it. The folks at work, the people at work, the men and women at work.....are a great group to work with (with whom to work).

    "You guys" - not when that includes females.

    terryfossil 1

    Very common in Aussie to use it to cover both sexes Bob..and it is not seen to be detrimental to either sex..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<...

    It's done here all the time, not an Aussie exclusive, Terry. It's lazy and tacky. Three couples out to dinner and the waiter asks, "Are you guys ready to order?" No. Your tip just lost 50%
    Put the shoe on your own foot. How would you like it if a group of men and women was referred to as "Ladies" or "Gals"?
    terryfossil 1

    I can see your point Bob,,i can only speak for Aussie,i know this is going to sound odd,but if you use the word "ladies",then you have stipulated a sex..if we say,"me and the guys are heading for the beach",that can be just blokes,or blokes and females..just an odd way of looking at it Bob..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    I'm not going to change anyone's feelings on the subject, which doesn't matter at all. I just know that I try not to say "guys" when there are females included. I don't even say "you guys" when I'm herding 5 grandchildren off to bed. Do what's comfortable. If someone doesn't like it, (s)he should tell you.
    terryfossil 1

    Sounds like a plan Bob..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    "Hi guys".....commonly used when a young person enters a room filled with people. As long as they say it with a smile, I'm okay with it. Being referred to as "a gal" actually doesn't do much for me.

    terryfossil 1

    I should not have used the word gal Duck,we do not use it in Aussie,,but rather a group of blokes and girls collectively being called guys,,as you have said in your answer..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Got it.
    terryfossil 1

    Geezz you are quick mate..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    At times. :)
    terryfossil 1

    @ Duck..:):):):):):)..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I often say "Hi guys" to a group of people, but I certainly cannot be classified as a young person (But not the oldest in this room!) :o))

    Careful Flip. :)

    That term is used here in the UK a lot nowadays Terry, I think it's just a modern saying, but I don't like it.

    I've gone off the term Guys & Gals as well recently , but only because the pervert child molester Saville used to use it.

    terryfossil 1

    I did not know that Dave,but the question is more about boys and girls being called guys..i do not know why i used the word gals,we do not use it in Aussie..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    Gals has been a word used here for many years, my Grandmother used to call all girls gals. Guys I think is a word bought over hear by the Americans during WW2. My father in law wasn't very happy when his son asked him if he had any chewing gum when he came home from the war, as you can imagine.

     my colleagues...... would fit the bill perfectly.

    To me,  "you guys " is all inclusive. I use the term regardless of who. Guy was my father's name and thus has no particular sex,  it's just a word.  I do not like being referred to as "lady"......

    The term guy or guys is used all the time here to cover everyone..... okay guys?   LoL


    It's okay with me if it's okay with the rest of the guys.

    We only use it to see the show in London on stage,,

    Also... nowadays the kids call everyone 'dude' ... even the lady principal!!! DUDES!!!
    [ I'll never get used to that one ... well I'm off to the 'Dude' Ranch .... LoL ]

    Now, 'dude' is a bit over the top. Please don't call me that!

    That's what I said too!!!
    terryfossil 1

    I think i once read that (Dude) meant camel crap,,>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    That may be spelled 'doo-doo' ... lmbo!

    ....yes, if they feel comfortable with it.

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