7 Answers
The earth is not overpopulated yet. It was overpopulated millions of years ago with other animal species . More animals meant more carbon dioxide , which meant more plants, which may have lead to the warming of the arctic, then more animals. Then came the time of animals quickly died. Less carbon dioxide, less plants, arctic cooled, then we came too life. Carbon dioxide is good. That's why greenhouse businesses use carbon dioxide generators to increase plant growth. Mission to mars will explore people living on other planets. Did you apply for it ?
8 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
There is plenty of room on this earth,,we just do not take advantage of it,,internal Australia is the biggest part of Aussie,but there is no water,put water there and you could populate it with more than 20 times the population of UK..As you can see ,the main population of Aussie lives on the coastline or in capital cities on the coastline..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..
8 years ago. Rating: 8 | |

After the Flood which killed all people in the world except Noah, his 3 sons and their wives, God told them to 'Go forth and multiply'.
8 years ago. Rating: 3 | |