    What is the durndest thing you’ve ever done to your hands?

    Ever staple a finger or slice one on a blade of sorts? Got you hand caught in something?



    +2  Views: 336 Answers: 4 Posted: 8 years ago

    4 Answers

    i had a chainsaw slide down my thumb tearing it up, dad patched it up and we went back to work, I was going to ask about the exposed bone but didn't want to seem like a sissy. That was probably 40 years ago. Still got the thumb"with Scare's. Rolled a two cylinder John Deere over to try to build oil pressure and got my hand/ fingers caught in between a 60 lb fly wheel and the starter. Lost some finger nails. And many more times but I still do have all the digits yet.

    terryfossil 1

    Chainsaws do not leave a neat cut JD,they can chew you up pretty bad..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I was a dogman on the end of a crane,,i put the chain around 2 steel girders, i signed to lift,he lifted to fast,a link on the chain grabbed a girder.lifted it an dropped it on my fingers..cut a tendon in my ring finger,and took the flesh off the top of my middle finger exposing the bone,,doctors cut the tip of finger off and done a skin graft from my forearm,,worked out fine,middle finger a bit short,ring finger a bit bent,,I will not put a photo of the other finger,bit gross looking..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..""Image result for damaged fingers photos


    Mine seems petty compared to yours terry.

    Chopped the tip off a finger adjusting a lawn mower Totally my fault as I had disabled the safety device.

    on more than one occasion, I've run them over wood and collected an angry sliver or two.

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