    We live in a north wales housing flat my housing officer says that we are not allowed to have our son back into our flat after the trouble he has cause we he stay we us because of he drinking and he is now in prison due to this and our son is coming out soon with a hdc tag on him and he has given our address for it and our housing officer says he is not allowed here due to this. What can we do

    +2  Views: 485 Answers: 7 Posted: 8 years ago

    7 Answers

    You have to have a serious talk with the housing officer, tell him/her that there is nowhere else for your son to live, and that you will be responsible for his future behaviour, good luck with that.

    How old is your son? What you feel you need to provide for him, may not be a necessity. If he is in his early twenties you may 'help' (temporarily) by figuring everything out for him. If he is in his late forties, it might be time for him to start figuring out his own life. Parents can only 'help' their children for so long before they become enablers, doing more harm than good.

    If you can not come to an agreement with your housing officer to allow your son to live there  (a written agreement or bond?), he will have to find some other place to reside and change the tag. If he had given his address as Buckingham Palace, would the residents be required to take him in?

    It's time you step aside. Since your son is old enough to drink and spend time in prison then he's old enough to know better. You are not doing him any favours by babying him.   He will either sink or swim but allow him to figure things out on his own.

    ....the parole officer may have some ideas.

    Tell him to grow up.

    Looks like he'll have to do his remaining time in a facility like back at gaol! The first thing your alcoholic sonny boy will want to do in your home will be to drink a self-congratulatory drink for his big achievement of getting out of gaol .... as far as I can see you've done enough enabling. Time for the boy to grow the heck up already and without being enabled as a drunk by his parents. Tell sonny to figure it out ... he got that way because he walked that way himself!!!!

    Alcoholics are crazy-makers who are often narcissistic creators of confusion. You sound confused because your little crazymaker has placed you in the midst of his confusion .... alcoholics HATE the word 'NO!'



    terryfossil 1

    Aint that the truth Lindi..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

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