    America was never great.

    So says a 22 year old who works at The Home Depot in Staten Island, NY.   

    I think, with all its faults, America is still  great.  

    What makes your country great? 

    +11  Views: 1925 Answers: 9 Posted: 8 years ago
    Tags: home

    9 Answers

    What makes the USA great is the ability to trash talk the idiot at Home Depot for saying that, and not get in trouble for saying it.

    Always was, always will be as far as I'm concerned.

    To Americans, America should always be great..just as i believe Australia is the greatest country in the world.Having pride in the country of your birth is a right,i have no problem with people coming to Aussie and calling it their home but saying their heart is in the land of their birth..that is how it should be..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<.. 

    ....our giving, attitude, constitution, freedom, military and work ethic


    Means what to the world?

    Geee, thanks!


    It seems to me that wherever a person lives, that is the country that they believe is great (with the exception of war-torn countries of course). For ANY country to believe that theirs is "the greatest", is a bit of a stretch. I always want to ask, "Greatest in what respect"?

    I think Canada is great because it's the only country in which I have lived which is no doubt the situation for most of us. Is Canada "the greatest"? Who knows, but I like living here and that is all that matters.

    P.S. Canadians are notorious for being very low key when it comes to promoting and/or bragging about our country. (That's not necessarily a good thing in my opinion.)


    Who could pick the greatest country if he'd not been everywhere....or the worst! Truth isn't bragging. The little I've seen of Canada - Victoria, Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto, and across the St Lawrence near Alexandria Bay...all have been visually stunning and people were cordial

    We believe it...we just don't say it very loudly. :)

    To me America is great!  I have met many people from other countries who are thankful that America has welcomed them!

    England is not the Great place it used to be anymore, especially if you happen to be English.


    Churches empty and Mosques full, tells you something huh?

    As someone said to the French,' If you need our help in the future just remember the number- 14183945.'

    I like America. It has done well by me. I can cross various borders, go to the church of my choice, vote and should the need ever arise, I can legally have an abortion (though I never would, I appreciate the right)….


    What can i have done legally thier,??

    Buy a gun Dougal, buy a GUN!
    terryfossil 1

    JH, from an Australian point of view regarding other countries,if it was not for America,s belated entry into the 2nd world war,Aussie could well be speaking Japanese,,And although we were settled by England,it was Churchhill who decided to let Aussie go down and save England first,,however there is a strong bond between Aussie,America and UK,,,and that is how it should be..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Good for you, terry! Well said!

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