    Have you ever won something and wish you hadn't entered?

    I entered a bid on a Ralph Lauren sweater for $7.00 and won! Checked things closer and it is a super petit. If luck is on my side, I'm a 10.......

    +6  Views: 682 Answers: 7 Posted: 8 years ago

    No exchange possible?

    No. Turns out the woman was selling her personal wardrobe....

    Awww....not fair at all. :(

    7 Answers


    I entered and won a giant poster like this photo which I gave to my brother coz he liked it and I won this 500 dollar gift certificate for the parachute shop as well but there was absolutely nothing I wanted there so I gave my prize to a young soldier who was shopping for combat gear on a limited budget ... seeing how happy he was when I handed it over was priceless ... I still don't know why I entered other than it must have been fate! LoL

    The company I used to work for held a  Fear Factor Food contest so I entered it for a shot at the 500 dollar grand prize.  One thing on the menu was stinky fish bait and people were puking up on stage to the left and to the right of me, but somehow a few of us were able to keep it down. By the end of the night there were several of us still in the game but it was late and most of us had to work the next day so we split the cash. I think I ended up with less than 50 bucks.  I don't think my breath and bathroom breaks smelling like rotten fish bate for a couple of days was worth it.


    Eeeeww...I always thought that the 'food eating' on Fear Factor, was the worst. Ugh.

    YES! When I'm spending time with Jack ( Daniel's) and looking at that stupid fricking Ebay.. 

    terryfossil 1

    Maybe you should try (drop bear rum)..

    No, when I'm in a contest, I'm there to win! Last thing I won was an electric candle wax room freshener. I was able to hold more clothespins in one hand than anyone else, man or woman. Take one at a time, and can't use anything to keep them in your hand. I think I had 21.

    terryfossil 1

    In it to win it Bob,,????..sounds like you like to compete,,i am very much the same..>>>>>>><<<<<<<<,,

    Competition is competition. Part of being a good competitor is being a gracious loser (or winner). I get a lot more practice of the former.
    terryfossil 1

    Nothing wrong with losing Bob,as long as you learn from it and be gracious in losing,which it sounds like you are..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..


    I've never won anything at all ! 


    When I saw your name somehow I expected this answer. Go to eBay and try your hand at auctions......

    @jh....didn't expect a 'happy answer'? :)

    We have season tickets to Texas Tech football games. Few years ago I entered a contest every home game. Found out it was a punt, pass, and kick contest. Well out of 44,700 + entries I was picked . In front of a sell out crowd of 54,000 fans I felt like a fool. Did ok, better than I thought I would. From the back end of the end zone had to punt, then pass, then kick the ball through the field goal . Not entering anymore contests like that.


    LoL Bravo Zorro!

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