    I've acquired two kittens. Aside from love and food, what can I do to speed up the process?

    They are feral and 6 months old. While they no longer climb the walls when I enter the room a little appreciation for the special snacks I give them would be nice. Oh, they get only grain free eats......

    +7  Views: 714 Answers: 4 Posted: 8 years ago

    10. June
    `-_-´ An update would be much appreciated.`-_-´

    wb-thanks for asking! They are doing great. They ALMOST know their names and have learned the joys of toilet paper and paper towel rolls. I'm aloud to pet one of them so far but only when SHE wants it. They each eat two bowls of cat food a day and have the run of the house. I can't imagine a life without them now and long for the day they can be allowed outside......

    4 Answers

    Great info on this site, give it a go, you never know, they might stay.........


    I put my wash towel in a box they sleep in and they dragged it to and in their water bowl....

    Read this site, PLEASE!

    It's a really good site ROMOS.
    How did you end up with these feral cats Jules?? Were they dumped? Are you fostering them? Maybe you could find a barncat program for them? How feral are they? Can you handle them or pet them at all? Try a brush ... cats are suckers for getting brushed feral or not!

    Oh, I got them from the dog catcher place. They would not separate these two as they are tight. I paid for them. They were picked up as feral. I cannot go near them BUT, the female (Yen yang) was catching my feet and scratching and biting for fun. There is hope!

    .... I just left them in the barn with warm bedding and provided food/water

    ....they like scratches and rubs but do not want to be picked up

    ....they caught and ate a rabbit yesterday 

    ....they approach me but run when I approach 

    ....they have bummed off us for 15 years


    Barncats can be among the friendliest of cats for a back scratch eh!

    You know what to do. "It's not your first time at the county fair."  :-)

    I would likely keep only one kitten and give my undivided attention to acclimating him/her successfully. 

    Knowing how the last feral kitten was traumatized by he whose name will not be mentioned, I'd keep them separated from that influence. 

    Hope it works out. Sorry Mack didn't get back.


    The two are unnaturally close, they would not separate the pound

    I don't understand what "separate the pound" means. :-(

    Means my thoughts got ahead of my pen. The pound would not separate them.

    Got it. Thx

    A good method I adopted to speed up the process of a cat learning its name is to have some tit-bits to hand and then, when it's not getting eye contact with you, you call its name. When there is no reaction, which is usually the case, give him a tit-bit. Repeat this several times and the cat will soon learn there is something in it for him when he hears its name. Obviously, if you have two cats they have to be taught apart from each other.



    I'll do as you suggest but will be difficult. The two are so close they share everything. Mickey is learning his name but Yenyang is stubborn.......

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