    What are your thoughts / opinions ----- An Indian woman gave birth to a healthy baby boy at the age of 72 using I.V.F. programme.

    Apparently they have been trying for donkey years to have a baby without success, they opt for the I.V.F. procedure.---- i saw this on the morning news, 12/ may/ 2016

    +6  Views: 1077 Answers: 12 Posted: 8 years ago

    what are donkey years ?
    terryfossil 1

    Donkey years is Aussie saying meaning a"lot of years".donkeys apparently live to be quite old MCM..>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    12 Answers

    I think very selfish parents,,the kid is going to be an orphan at a very young age,if they live for another 10 years,they will have to contend with the old age problem,and the kid will not understand why they cannot play with him when other parents play with their kids,,this is not for the kids sake,it is so they can say,"see we did it and our family name will continue",i have bugger all good memories of mine,i reckon this kid is heading down the same track,,>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    My personal opinion is this couple is way to old to be starting a family. What will happen to this young child when the parents are no longer physically able to take care of him or after they die?  I'm afraid the child will end up in an orphanage or foster care.   Best of luck to this family.

    Not to curse them but I doubt they'll make it to the puberty phase......

    ....good luck once he starts crawling.

    I think they did this because they want someone, preferably their own child, to care for them in their really elder years. People live much longer than we used to ... so much so that the population pyramid has morphed into a rectangular block that gets much wider up top as years go by!!

    My stepmom's father was 70 [her mom was 52...surprise!!] when she was born .... her daw lived to be 103!!! 103 years old! She said he was the best dad ever as he had so much practice with raising her much older siblings already!!  



    So, considering my age, I had better get busy!!! lol

    My first impression would be that they are too old to properly raise a child. However, I don't know how old the father is. I also know that in some countries it is very common for a child to be raised by the whole extended family which would include much younger people. The child often considers another family member to be nearly as close as his/her parents. Therefore, I shall not judge....


    Good points.

    Flip, i believe the father is around the same age, and there is no more family members.i feel sorry for the boy, i do't think he will get to know his parents long enough.

    It's a great way to get attention, isn't it? I seriously doubt that they have given much consideration to the life they have set up for their child. It's all about them. Sad.


    I agree Duckster... it is all about them with no real forethought of the child ... I wish them greater longevity but I wonder how the child will cope with these elders once they start to really get old!?

    All around it is a bad situation from my point of view. :(

    yep ... all those diapers either way you look at it ... ;(

    Why would you want to at their age, for goodness sake. must be mad.

    H e will thirty years old and married with his own Bambenos ,by the tine they are 102,years of age,,

    None to be shared.  

    MY opinion is I am 70 years old.  My Mom is 90 years old! She has dementia and NEVER would I want to have a baby to raise!   Maybe some at 70 want a baby but NOT me! I love babies and love to see them go home with their parents after I spoil them! :)


    it's not fair to the child 

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