
    My son's daughter was bitten twice by my sister's dog about 2 weeks ago. The dog was unprovoked and Olivia had over 100 stitches, mostly in her eyebrow, as the dog appeared to be aiming for her eye. 

    There will be scars and their insurance will not cover the medical bills or special clothes and hats doctors ordered.

    The dog's vaccinations had lapsed. My sister told my son the dog was very depressed the next day and wouldn't eat. She talked to the dog and gave him a hug. The dog was then "OK" and able to eat.

    Olivia will still have scars, but, fortunately, the dog is OK. What a relief. 

    I say nothing, but you can imagine what I'm thinking. What are your thoughts and any advice for my son? He is beyond furious. Olivia has been amazing during this ordeal and her beauty comes from the inside out, not just skin deep. 

    +9  Views: 1718 Answers: 9 Posted: 8 years ago
    Tags: bites

    9 Answers

    I'll never understand anyone who can keep their dog and not have it immediately put down, when it has just torn someone apart, especially a child. I'm pretty sure that I would be thinking about the incident every time I looked at my dog while wondering if it might happen again!


    Yep. Her nephew's daughter, whom she pretends to love. What will they do when her spawn visits with his one year old.
    You can understand my bitterness.

    I can.

    That canine would have a very limited life expectancy if I was around.

    Pretty much

    I'm very sorry to hear what happened to Olivia. I know you were all so worried for Olivia because  her injury could have caused blindness or the unthinkable which I shall not mention. Bob, I can not offer you any advice  because this is a situation where I do not know what I would do unless faced with this same situation myself.

    ALL dogs are capable of this sort of thing (no exceptions), children must always be supervised when they are around dogs, if this had been my dog it would be GONE, soon as, no matter how much I loved him/her, this has happened once, every chance of it happening again, is your sister bloody nuts?

    I hope Olivia is recovering well.


    I saw Olivia yesterday and she's looking good. My middle son said if his dog, who lives with me, bit someone, he (we) would put him in the car, cry all the way to the vet, and sob while he was euthanized. No second thoughts.
    This is who my sister is. My son has contacted an injury lawyer who told him, if you beat the insurance company, you have an excellent chance to win a civil suit. Hopefully, this will be what happens and Olivia will have a nice trust fund.
    I believe Shell be less scarred than we worry about, and won't need or want plastic surgery.
    I checked with my insurance company and was told that breed, black lab, was not an excluded breed, so there is hope
    At the time, she was walking with her dad, who was carrying one year old sister, and my genius brother-in-law, who began kicking the dog as it stood over fallen, bloodied Olivia, poised to strike again and my son went into rescue mode.
    I think they need to start with a police report. Olivia went by ambulance to hospital.

    'Ditto', Romos.

    Oh! Well thank god the DOG isn't too traumatised.


    I really hope the little kiddy is ok Phyl. Give her some love from Uncle Tommy. :)

    I will do that, and she will be thrilled. My son said he loves all of his 5 children "equally", but the dog bit the nicest one.

    A dog that attacks a child is a BAD DOG and should be shot. Bad dogs get shot.

    Under these circumstances a law suit is definitely warranted. I would personally see to it that the animal in question is put out of it's misery and yours immediately. Sadly the same cannot be administered to its owner pardon me for saying. The ignorance of the owner is unjustifiable. I might even endeavour to see if perhaps, just maaaybe that dog has chewed on someone else prior to this incident. I was attacked by a dog [an Akida] a few years ago and its owner swore up and down through tears even that her dog had never bitten anyone before! Well ... she was lieing! He had attacked 3 other people before me!!!


    It should be a felony to have a dog with a history of biting.

    I agree ... it's like a four legged unpredictable weapon with teeth....

    Plus, the ugly side of me would enjoy, somewhat, my sister being uncomfortable.

    It truly must suck to be her ... there's always that!

    When Bailey was a few years old she got close to Thunder " Rottweiler " while he was eating. He looked and produced a low growl, I don't make it a habit of abusing animals, but I did pick him up with one hand by his coller, slammed him up against the side of a building and sternly told him if he ever did that to her again it would be the last time he growled at anyone. We have never had any problems since, an Bailey and thunder have become good friends. shortly after that I barked at Bailey, can't remember what she did, but he got in-between us gently pushed her in a corner and gave me the look of don't yell at my girl. A pat on the head and he was happy. He's become very protective of her.


    Smart grandpa. Good dog. Cody trained Dieszal to know HE was alpha....10 years later, the dog still knows the pecking order.

    ....obviously, safety first.

    ....she will understand.


    Who will understand what?

    ....Olivia, sister or both ?
    ....if either doesn't understand safety, might it happen again ?

    What is your advice to facilitate this?

    ....constant monitoring, avoidance or safety barrier, if monitoring is not possible.

    Yes, a dog run might help.
    Or putting my sister in an asylum

    ....does the dog have a history of biting ?

    It does NOW!

    Yep. I'm inches from filing the police report myself

    I can’t believe your sister. Enough already! Sue her pants off. I don’t care if she loves the dog, this dog doesn’t warrant loving. She needs a shrink to get over herself and her odds with you. God grant me the serenity, etc. Change what you can and sue her in open court, demand the dog be put down. It was wrong of her to tell the dog that everything is ok. I could go on but………..  Oh! Were the cops called? Is it too late now? Do immediately……..


    I am glad you guys are getting along again. Hopefully you can mend all fences.

    In Canada the SPCA would be called for such an incident and or the police/RCMP and then the dog's owner would be requested to put the dog down... or face charges.
    It is up to the parents to make the first call.

    She called "911" and said her dog bit her niece. Andy talked to an injury lawyer. I vent here.

    I'll be checking to see if a police report exists. Getting them to answer the phone is tricky

    Any dog that bites a child or mauls a dog should be put down , no questions asked.


    Thank you, bulletman

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