    Do you know what your neighbors do for a living? If you don't would you?

    Correction: DO you know what your neighbors do for a living? If you don't, would you want to know?

    +3  Views: 1138 Answers: 9 Posted: 8 years ago

    9 Answers

    My neighbours are all retired ... elderly, rich and retired.

    I on the other hand must work ... like a freakin dog so I can pay rent so my landlord stays rich. Arrrrgh!



    Yep ... on one side are 2 retired medical doctors who spend 6 months here and 6 months in Arizona, beside them is a retired guy and his wife who live part time in California and beside them WAS a retired lady who recently walked down to the liquor store and was hit by a hit and run driver and she picked herself up, walked all the frikkin way back up here and promptly died at home from internal injuries and next to me on t'other side are a retired psychiatrist and his retired English professor wife.... lotsa money up here ... just not mine!! Arrrgh!

    Of course I do, they live off benefits mostly, they smoke weed, or sell it, they don't care about the area they live in, recycling is a word they can't even spell, I could go on but I won't, todays society has changed, and NOT for the better, there IS one guy in our block who works regularly, a rare occurrence, I tip my hat to him, other than that I don't GAF!


    You have neighbours?

    ....not too close. Most are on 20 acre lots.
    ....we are away from the road on 6.5 acres and from the gate to our home is one tenth of a mile.

    My sons grew up on 40 acres of vineyards, surrounded by orchards, 3/10 mile off the road, nearest neighbor about as far. We all miss that; glad you have that piece of heaven on earth, ben

    Sure I do, he drives his oxygen delivery truck home every day. Steph has a mobile X-ray machine and she visits patient’s homes. Mark retired a couple of months ago from the city. That’s it, I’m done…..


    What about across the road from you,Juilie,??

    Bachelors, students more than likely. New and they leave their beautiful dogs alone too much......

    Kim works for the IRS, Pam does something at Community Hospital, Betty is a retired school cook, John works at The Home Depot, Jeanne owned a truck place with her husband, and Jack has a funeral home. I didn't know I knew that much!

    We have some folks on the Road!  Some are retired, one is cabinet maker, one at a nuke plant, Some (?) friendly hellos are all I need!  Nice to see people running up and down the street!  Love to see has a new dog running about!  Our neighborhood seems casual and coll!  It's nice!  Would love for us all to get togethter! Sweet dreams!  Wake up MELLOW!


    Yes but we don't have close neighbors, I can walk outside in me skivvies, scratch my a$$, hollar at the dog and ol lady, and ya probably should have eye receptacles to watch if yer a neighbor.

    I make it a point to know and get on with my neighbours, that way they keep an eye whilst away on a trip etc. -- my neighbour to the left works at Aldi's, the other to the right is a school teacher, across the road a paramedic and next to them, sisters both work for woolworths, great bunch of people, get together periodically for Bar-B- Q's.


    are your woolworth still going then Kent,??
    country bumpkin

    Do sound like a bunch of good neighbours.

    Hec, Here in OZ the woolworths super market chain is quite huge, Adi's which is new here are giving them a run for the money. ;0



    Gee WIZZZZ!!!!

    G-eronimo !!!!!!
    terryfossil 1

    How did this guy get 45 karma points..<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>..

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