4 Answers
I'll bet you're absolutely right
8 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
Its been a long time to get justice for 96,people who died,and many injured,and the Police and others were found guilty on 14 counts,,its quite a long story Bob,,
I would like more details so I can read about it. Where and when, and I'll find it.
These are the things that ruin police/public relations.
These are the things that ruin police/public relations.
I'm buying toilets, tile, and a suitcase today, but look forward to reading about this tonight.
I've heard nothing about it here.
I've heard nothing about it here.

Have fun on your trip to Carolina. My son was living there until about 4 months ago. My sons grandfather lives there in Brevard, will you be anywhere close to there.
We land in Columbia and stay near Ft. Jackson for a few days, then drive to Ft. Lee in Virginia, where my son will be for his AIT. Brevard is about 2 1/2 hour to the NW; We will be going NE to get to Ft. Lee, about 6 hours away. AND, we have to go back to SC to return to CA.
Thank you, CB. It will be a good time!
Thank you, CB. It will be a good time!
IMO, the (police) people responsible for covering up the truth should lose their pension plus spend the next 27 years of their lives in prison.
Hillsborough Tragedy
27 years is too long to uncover the cover-up. I do hope the surviving family members of this tragedy will begin to heal and finally find some peace and comfort knowing justice has been served at last.
More pictures here>>http://www.gettyimages.co.uk/photos/hillsborough-disaster?sort=mostpopular&excludenudity=true&mediatype=photography&phrase=hillsborough%20disaster&family=editorial
8 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
8 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
Check his profile,limen,cater,vawer,hawer,xader,,are all the same person,,they are advertising medical stuff..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

They ask a question (advertise) under one name and then answer under a different name too.
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