    Do you agree with new Virginia law allowing ex convicts the right to vote?

    I don't know, I really don't. The only reason they are doing this is to get more votes for Hillary. Of course they would vote for democrat nominee, they are criminals. They don't have good common sense judgement. On the other side,  yes let them vote. They have to register, leaving their address and other information out there. Makes them noticeable. They don't like that.

    +3  Views: 445 Answers: 3 Posted: 8 years ago
    Tags: convicts

    Not all criminals are going to be "demon-crats". Not proudly do I tell you two of my sons have felony convictions (neither spent time in prison, however). BOTH are conservative, coming with the responsibility of having children and earning a living by working. Neither supports Hillary or Bernie, and probably not Trump, either.

    3 Answers

    Aren't they supposed to be rehabilitated? If they are free and contributing to society and being good boys and girls then they have the right to vote, whoever they vote for is entirely up to them, be they Trumpers or followers of the Hillary.

    Well, if the indictment would just happen, she "might" not get to run! That business should have been resolved months ago. The number of people with memory loss (her supporters) is alarming.

    As for ex-cons getting back the right to vote, for me it would depend on their felony convictions. 


    Missing the 7 pin spare,??

    ....if they earn it, while in prison, through rehabilitation, work programs and good behavior.

    ....along with a probation period in society with good behavior.

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