    I have a Laburnean bush and very little leaves or yellow flowers,is it just old,or need nushisment??

    +4  Views: 396 Answers: 2 Posted: 8 years ago

    Hector, please check the spelling on "Laburnean". It didn't match anything on google search. Thnx

    its a big yellow bush,and said to be posinus,

    2 Answers

    If you are wondering how to grow a Laburnum tree, you’ll be glad to know that the Laburnum goldenchain tree is not too picky. It grows in direct sunlight and partial sun. It tolerates almost any type of soil, as long as it is not waterlogged, but it prefers well-drained alkaline loam.

    Growing goldenchain trees requires pruning when they are young. The healthiest and most attractive trees grow on one strong leader. When you are caring for Laburnum trees, prune out secondary leaders early to help the trees develop strong structures. If you expect foot or vehicle traffic beneath the tree, you’ll have to prune its canopy back as well.

    Since the roots of the Laburnum goldenchain tree are not invasive, don’t hesitate to start growing goldenchain trees near your home or driveway. These trees also work well in containers on the patio.

    Note: If you are growing goldenchain trees, remember that all parts of the tree are toxic, including leaves, roots and seeds. If enough is ingested, it may be fatal. Keep children and pets well away from these trees.

    Laburnum trees are often used on arches. One cultivar frequently planted on arches is the award-winning ‘Vossii’ (Laburnum x waterii ‘Vossii’). It is appreciated for its abundant and stunning blossoms

    Could it have got water logged last year or through the winter?


    I Think in this case you might be right Ted,its the oldest tree in my garden,,

    Time to clear it out/

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