    We are back of the Que now with the Americans,what are we to do,????????????

    +6  Views: 492 Answers: 6 Posted: 8 years ago

    6 Answers

    Please accept my American apology that Mr. Obama stuck his nose into ANOTHER place where it did NOT belong.
    (I'm so embarrassed) 

    Image result for embarrassed!

    Jump to the front, where I like to be, Vote "OUT", Obama should not get involved in British politics.

    Yeah i seen that on tv this morning Hec,,first thing i said to my wife,'' What has it got to do with him",if i had a vote i would vote out,,but even our politicians say they hope it is not a out vote,,they seem to think it will effect our trade negatively,,wadda i know..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..Interesting read here..

    It seems strange to me , the US had a revolution to get rid of the English empowerment yet they are so enchanted of the English monarchy more so than the Commonwealth Countries -- i agree with Romos they have no business in encouraging the UK to stay in the EU.

    Yes he should concentrate on his own countries problems. But, we're they his own words or were they written by an English man called Dave , surely the American version would have been back of the line. Sounds a bit suspicious to me , Dave is so desperate to get a stay in vote ,he'll do anything to save his own skin. Obama is probably one of the few friends he has left, he knows if he looses this vote he'll be gone, that's my opinion, and I'm  a conservative. 


    Obamas' politics are the same as Camerons......
    "I believe the U.K. strengthens our collective prosperity through the EU," President Obama said in reference to Britain's membership in the European Union in a news conference with Cameron Friday.

    Yes they are both Liberals, too liberal for my liking. My political leanings are more to the right, yours are more left I believe , but we seem to agree on a lot of things. But then if you remember Tony Benn and Enoch Powell were opposite leaning but agreed on a lot as well. I think even though our political opinions vary, our values are very much the same.

    Politicians are voted in to deliver the values of their constituents, it seems when they are voted in their attitude changes, I do lean a lot further left to you Dave, but it seems we want the same outcome in the upcoming referendum/ election.
    You should really listen to the youngest member in Parliament, she has views that really mean something.Mhairi Black MP (@MhairiBlack) | Twitter

    Remember people, he reflects the trash of American society and the people that voted for him. My parents are one of them. They do have a different opinions of him now. I better not say anything else, I might offend someone. So IF I did offend you, sorry for your luck.


    As an outsider, i can't really comment on American Politics, whether i agree with you or not is of no consequence, you are entitled to your opinion. :)
    terryfossil 1

    It appears there is a class distinction in your words Zorro,,Trump is a Toff that has hit a chord with the so called lower class and the Toffs do not like it,the lower class may not make the money of the Toff's,or live like Toff's..but when it comes to voting,they have equal rights...and as you said,if i did offend you,sorry for your luck..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

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