6 Answers
Yeah i seen that on tv this morning Hec,,first thing i said to my wife,'' What has it got to do with him",if i had a vote i would vote out,,but even our politicians say they hope it is not a out vote,,they seem to think it will effect our trade negatively,,wadda i know..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..Interesting read here..http://theconversation.com/what-a-uk-referendum-on-the-eu-would-mean-for-australia-14766
8 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
Yes he should concentrate on his own countries problems. But, we're they his own words or were they written by an English man called Dave , surely the American version would have been back of the line. Sounds a bit suspicious to me , Dave is so desperate to get a stay in vote ,he'll do anything to save his own skin. Obama is probably one of the few friends he has left, he knows if he looses this vote he'll be gone, that's my opinion, and I'm a conservative.
8 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
You should really listen to the youngest member in Parliament, she has views that really mean something.Mhairi Black MP (@MhairiBlack) | Twitter
Remember people, he reflects the trash of American society and the people that voted for him. My parents are one of them. They do have a different opinions of him now. I better not say anything else, I might offend someone. So IF I did offend you, sorry for your luck.
8 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
"I believe the U.K. strengthens our collective prosperity through the EU," President Obama said in reference to Britain's membership in the European Union in a news conference with Cameron Friday.