    U/K, In or out of E,U,on June the 23erd ,Whadu think,,??or do you even care,??

    +3  Views: 473 Answers: 4 Posted: 8 years ago

    4 Answers

    I'm voting to leave Dennis, we were fine before we went in, and we can look after ourselves perfectly alright in the future. They won't stop selling their Audi and Citroen cars to us , or their tasteless apples and tomatoes. There was an interesting piece in the news on Saturday, Teresa May said that we would be more at risk from Terrorists outside the EU, that's rubbish, a lot of the information about them is collected by GCHQ over here, and passed onto the rest of the western world, in fact they rely on our secret service for a lot of the information collected . The in people including most of the political leaders are trying to frighten people into voting to stay in, don't be taken in by them , Dave didn't get a better deal at all it's all lies. OUT OUT OUT.   OUT OUT OUT   


    I will almost probely follow you ,,The biggest thing that gets me is the way they overrule our courts ,Especialey Iron Knickers and selling us cars that are so pulluting that are making up for what they did not achive in other times,,


    terryfossil 1

    I believe the Aussie political landscape would prefer UK to stay i believe a country should have it's own ownership and borders..>>>>>>>><<<<<<..

    Hec it is not my country,,however looking at what is happening in Europe,,Europe has gone a long way to shooting itself in the foot,,and i think any country tied to it could go down with it,,>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..


    A good answer Terry,something to ponder on,,??

    I don't get what you're asking.  Plain English would get you more answers. I read as hard as I could! 


    Yes we should tell them ,to stop intefering,,and we want to run our own country our way,,

    We are having a referendum on June 23rd to decide whether we stay in the EU or come out. The EU is run by a bunch of dishonest mainly unelected toe rags , and we pay something like £13 billion a year to be a member. Can you believe that this great country of ours ever got involved in this in the first place.

    Oh, jeeze!

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