    Haggis YES

    Ok so we finally had a chance to try the Haggis. My suspicion's were right. Its really good, but then again its very similar to  Prettles which I grew up on and still have them. Prettles are the meat scraps after butchering with pin oats and spices, We eat them by frying them up then putting on black strap molasses  either in a sandwich or plain. Yes they are different but very close.  I give Haggis a thumbs up, the problem is the almost $10 U.S. dollars for a small can.

    +5  Views: 566 Answers: 3 Posted: 8 years ago

    3 Answers

    Gaun yersel Dave, yer an adopted Scotsman, "Chieftain o the puddin race".

    Did ye hiv it wae neeps an tatties?



    is that Gaelic or Celtic , Romos ?

    I'm gonna have to try that next time Roy. I have to find haggis around here first.

    Dialect mcm, dialect.

    That looks like a big baked potato Ted with cold slaw,,

    Haggis, neeps & tatties Dougal, YUMMY!!!

    I think I know an inhancement for left overs of either.  Make some fresh mashed potatoes fairly dry. Seasonthem with parsley.  Meanwhile,  butter up a bread pan thickly.  Line the pan with the potatoes about an inch thick making a well of sorts.  Fill the well with your left over prettles or haggis to within an inch from the top. Fill the empty layer with the mash.  Dot with butter and place in a 350 degree oven, pre-heated.  Leave for about an hour,  checking frequently for over browning or oozing. When browned evenly remove from oven and allow it to cool thoroughly.  Turn the pan over apon a plate.  Now, carefully open the kitchen door and toss the creation out as far as you csn. MAYBE a predator will eat the remains. ......


    sounds good. My mom used to make mashed potatoes patties and brown them up in butter the day after having mashed potatoes, if she had leftovers . I wish I could cook like she did .

    Now don't "dish" them before you try em.. Even Bailey likes them. But I am trying to get her to take a second bite even of the things she doesn't like. Some times the first bite is deceiving.

    You have me wanting to try it and scared at the same time. 

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