I was cycling along a country lane, just enough room for two vehicles to pass. A Rover Discovery four wheel drive was coming towards me too fast on the wrong side of the road. I pulled into the kerb as close to the grass verge as I could get ,I'm doing about 10 mph at the most, he drove straight at me , he was about mid fifties may have been older. I managed to find a flat enough area of grass to swerve onto at the last moment, he didn't attempt to slow down. If anyone else had been behind me they would have been killed for sure. I shouted at him and the air was pretty blue for a minute or two, he stooped about twenty yards away,I tried to get my phone out of my pocket to take a photo or video, it was too late he drove off. I'm going to buy a helmet camera this week, and next Sunday I'm taking the same root ,and look out for him. What would you do.
11 Answers
GEEZO! You must have been scared poopless! I'm so glad you are okay Dave. I think the the helmet cam is a good idea. If that man comes after you again and he notices the helmet cam maybe he won't be stupid enough to try to run you down a second time. Be safe Dave. XO
8 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
You need to report this incident to the police. Give them all the details, day, time, location, vehicle, driver. I would also suggest that it is very UNWISE to play police detective by taking the same route next Sunday. Let the 'real' police handle it. Otherwise, you could end up dead!!
8 years ago. Rating: 8 | |

Glad you are okay Sunny..it can be dangerous out there for bike riders..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..
8 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
That was close....Some drivers show little respect for cyclists . It's like they are saying get out of my bl**dy way. A new law has come into effect in Queensland, Australia as a trial.Drivers across the state must stay one-metre away from cyclists in areas up to 60 kilometres per hour and 1.5 metres away in faster zones.
8 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
Glad to hear you are ok,Sunny --- South Australia now have the new bicycle laws in force. a car passing a bike must give a clearance of one metre even thou it may mean going over a double line to do so, if it is safe to do so. All bicycles must ride in the bicycle lane if there is one and not ride two abreast in that lane, and they must abide by the road rules, since it's enforcement more cyclists have been fined than drivers, in the city the amount of riders going through red lights is incredible, these idiots unfortunately do not register on the camera, their mass plus weight do not activate the cameras, it is car cams and police at the time record them. Sunny, riding on a country lane is dangerous in itself which i think you would agree. Just be careful Mate. A helmet cam would be good idea.
8 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
Sunny, I hate to spoil the mood but it's curb, not kerb. No wonder the man tried to kill you! All in fun, Dave. I'm glad you survived. What a scary situation. No time to think, even about your spelling..... lol
8 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
Now you're confused aren't you.