    Good onya terryfossil 1, you finally hit the 200K mark.......

    Your work on the Oct 12thers is paying off mate.


    +8  Views: 1318 Answers: 9 Posted: 8 years ago
    terryfossil 1

    As Ben would say yipppeeee,,now to get self centered,apart from karma and callus's on my fingers,,what's in it for me Roy.???????..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..BTW,where did you get one of my family photos.are you CIA<FBI.or one of those other initials,,or did you send a terrorist Flea to Aussie to rob me..??????

    Kudos my friend, mucho Kudos.

    9 Answers

    Congrats on reaching 200K. Nice work Mr. Fossil.


    terryfossil 1

    Thank you Mrs Duck..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    That's a Ms. :)
    terryfossil 1

    Sorry miss Duck,not everybody let's their marital status be known,at least not to me..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    That's a Ms. :)
    terryfossil 1

    Do not getcha Duck,not Mrs,not Miss,but Ms,what is Ms Duck..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Never heard of it? Ms is a term used by women who do not particularly want to express their marital status. Hence, not Miss, not Mrs....just Ms. Very common in Canada for many years. I would say that the majority of women here (at least in my area), use the title Ms. or no title at all. It actually looks odd to see a woman use "Mrs." (They are usually newly married or very old.) :)
    terryfossil 1

    Okay Duck,i am on a learning curve here,,you have certainly opened up a can of worms in our household,my wife as an ex secretary says she always used Mees when addressing a letter to a woman when you did not know their Marital Status,,but now people use it to hide their Marital Status,,to call a male Mr. does not denote marriage or other,to call a male Master denote's a youth,miss used to denote a female youth..who obviously was not married,so males do not care if anybody know if they are married or not,,but apparently women do,,which left me to ask Why?????...>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I think you're reading much more into this. It isn't a big issue. It has been a CHOICE for at least 30 years, on every form that needs to be filled in with a name and address. It isn't 'hiding' anything as far as I'm concerned. Mrs...Miss...Ms...Mr....Dr. Choose one! It's the same thing as the CHOICE, when two people get married. Which last name does she use?
    (And I've never heard of 'Mees'.)
    terryfossil 1

    Maybe it is an Aussie thing Duck,my wife did say Mees was abbreviated to Ms,,in Aussie most women take the husbands name,,i always assumed women using their maiden name in a marriage was a Hollywood thing..sounds like i am wrong Duck,,i am not trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill Duck,i am simply curious,,The word WHY is the first word i ever learnt..i certainly do not mean it to sound like i am getting up your nose..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    Not taken that way Terry. I am also a 'why' person. Here, most young women these days, keep their maiden name. Could be because they expect to get married 2 or 3 times. lol

    Congratulations Terry-Woot Woot (Whoot- Whoot).


    terryfossil 1

    Thank you CB,you gotta be a party animal..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..
    country bumpkin

    I have my moments! LOL
    terryfossil 1

    :) :) :)..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Onya mate.

    terryfossil 1

    Thanks Tom,to use a quote you would understand,,"i will just keep chipping away at it".>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..
    terryfossil 1

    Change of Avatar Tom..??,mate i gotta say this,,i was working at coles when they brought those bloody light bulbs in,,when coles sacked me after 17 years,,i burnt the damn things,,even if i had left coles happily i still would have burnt them..i do agree with them at night with the reflectors.. >>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    It was the UV protection that made me wear them.Working outdoors I was very prone to skin cancers.I had already had a couple removed.The sun causes them & the burn right thru ordinary shirts.That shirt (Light bulb) I'm wearing has a blockout lining.
    terryfossil 1

    Each to his own my friend,,you are not a minority,most outdoor people wear them,,but the dummies at coles told me i had to wear reflective vests inside my forklift in the day time,,but when i approached them and said,they only reflect at night off vehicle headlights,they said does not matter,,2 years later they agreed with me and allowed the reflective part to be removed,,i can see why their share price is dying..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Good going, terry!  Keep collecting!


    terryfossil 1

    Thanks Clu,i may never catch your 300k,but i will join you in being officially retired on may 24th..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    "" Good one Terry. Cheers!

    terryfossil 1

    Thanks Pyth, great photo. Cannot fly the Aussie flag too much.BTW,are there only 4 active members on AKA from Aussie..?????>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    We had a few others....Peoplelover, Lambshank, Eggplant, Dyke girl ? I think it was her name or something like that.Two other male members that I can't remember their names. akaQA in its hey day was a great place to be.
    How did you stumble across akaQA Terry ?
    terryfossil 1

    I joined in 2011 as terryfossil,but then one day i could not log in,so i shut that down and became terryfossil 1 in 2012,,i was just learning to use a computer,and this AKA insigna appeared at the top of the screen,so i clicked on it and here i am today..AKA is a bit smaller today than it was,when i first joined there seemed to be a lot more arguments among some people,i could be wrong but i think i get on with everyone here bar one,,that is not a bad average,,but fences can be mended..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<< did you kick of on AKA Pyth and then become a moderator..???

    There was that annoying sign that never went away on my computer screen .After about 3 weeks I clicked on it to see what it was all about, seemed interesting enough so I joined.After about 12 months one of the moderators just disappeared, at that time me and some other members struck up a friendship with the head moderator and regularly spoke on Skype, a couple of us were asked if we would like to be a moderator.Very unusual for me to accept that roll as I'm the type of person that remains in the background and hates confrontation. But, I did/do my bit in keeping the site family friendly (in those days, a lot more traffic).We had all types coming through with questions and answers that were not suitable/allowable for akaQA. So yeah,5 years on I'm still here with a few of the original members who are a great bunch.

    Good on ya, Terry   Congratulations.  :)

    terryfossil 1

    Thanks mate,"one for all and all for one".>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Good Onya Cobber as we say in Merton,Terry,,

    terryfossil 1

    Thanks Hec,,what's a Merton mate..????>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    ....Yippy !

    terryfossil 1

    A man of few words deserves small reply.."thanks mate"..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Merton is where i live ,reckon to be the most coolest brough of london,

    terryfossil 1

    Is Merton a suburb of London,?? and a Borough is like a hole in the ground,.i am not trying to be funny,,i am curious..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    no london is made up of about 33 broughs,or towns within themsleves,and merton is wimbledon mitchem and morden,where i live,,
    terryfossil 1

    /,+Greater+London,+UK/@51.408066,-0.2063866,12z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x4876061dda18176d:0x1f17792aabd88942 Looks like a suburb in a suburb Hec..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..have a look at this link,somewhere in there..????
    terryfossil 1

    My place near wises road,,Hec,a stones throw to the beach..Sun, Surf,beach,and broards>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..,153.0613252,13.5z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x6b9377cf7791716f:0x502a35af3dea8d0

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