The guys started on updating my home this morning. So far, plans are just for new paint and new flooring, but I'm a dreamer and we are discussing other projects. Dieszal (the dog) and Peanut (the cat) had to be outside ALL DAY while the carpets and floors were being pulled up and the "popcorn" ceilings were being scraped. They are soooooo happy to be back inside and won't let me out of their sight.
Do your pets "glom" onto you like these two? You'd think I'd been gone for a month.
P.S. I'm not complaining!
5 Answers
I've had several dogs but one in particular would follow me from room to room when I arrived home. Sometimes I had only been gone for a couple of hours. I'm sure there is a pet psychologist somewhere who would call that separation anxiety? lol
8 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
My old dog Nicholas would not let me out of his sight. He would nudge the bathroom door open with his nose and sit beside the tub waiting for me to finish showering. Ha, ole Nick would sit at my feet while I was powdering my nose too. He was such a sweet dog, I miss him.
8 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
You have to miss Nick - a dachshund is the best dog friend! (I just had an opportunity to get a pup, but I don't think Dieszal OR Peanut would welcome a newcomer.
Here is a shock to your system Bob,,maybe they like you..>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..
8 years ago. Rating: 7 | |