    Have you bought cage free or free range chicken eggs ?

    Went to a farmers market yesterday and found couple vendors selling these type eggs. 5 dollars a dozen. I do know this. Cardiologists now say its best to eat eggs that have been fertilized by the rooster. Roosters use to be in chicken houses long ago.

    +8  Views: 591 Answers: 9 Posted: 8 years ago

    9 Answers

    We buy the cheep-cheep-cheaper eggs. We were given some eggs fresh off the farm a couple of weeks ago, and except for the richer, darker colour, I didn't notice a difference in the taste, but Roy does notice a difference.

    When I first moved to the UK I was afraid to eat the eggs because the grocery stores and shops store the eggs on a shelf instead of refrigerating them.  I haven't gotten sick yet from eating an un- refrigerated egg.

    Yes, definitely better eggs, but expensive for what they are, we buy the cheaper ones because of the cost not necessarily the taste, hens are treated a whole lot better now than they used to be.

    I don't use a lot of eggs as my stomach is not crazy about them but yes, I buy, free range...cage many different names now. Chickens sitting trapped in cages does horrible things to them. It was one documentary (about chicken farms) that made me ill to watch.

    ....I buy whatever is on sale.


    On toast?

    Cheep...cheep... (I'm talking about the chickens.)

    I'm sure the  $5 eggs are better but my crew wouldn't appreciate the difference.  Sadly,  I buy the cheapest,  extra large eggs....


    I'm really truly sorry that I gave you a TD Julie, it was a complete accident, look I'll try and make up for it by giving you a big Kiss X

    Oh, thank you, Sunny

    I buy our eggs from someone who lives half a mile away. He keeps a dozen chickens in his back garden,  I called round and got two dozen this morning.  Straight out of the chickens still covered in muck and feathers,  cost £2 wonderful eggs.

    country bumpkin

    Why do the eggs we buy from the shops here, including ASDA's still have poop all over them? Asda's is owned by Walmart and I have yet to purchase one egg from Walmart or any other supermarket in the USA where there is poop still stuck to the shell of the egg. I wash all our eggs with a soapy sponge under running water before we eat them.

    The eggs I buy are straight out of the chickens, that's why they have mud and poop on them. I didn't realise the eggs in the supermarket came like that, I would have thought they had to be clean and a certain size, especially with all the European rules we have to abide by. I will make some enquiries, about that cb.

    Cheap cheap.
    country bumpkin

    Thanks Dave, I'm interested to know what you find.

    Sunny, curious. Why the TD? I at least should know-how I offended you .....

    Yeah they cost a bit more,however the wife reckons free range are better,,i am not the cook,i just eat what the cook cooks,,i am not stupid,i have been married 30 odd years,now you know why..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..""

    The first thing you should do before eating your eggs, whether scrambled, fried, boiled is to test them, put the eggs to be used in a  saucepan/ container of water enough to cover them, if they float, really float throw them out, they are starting too/ or off. As far as caged/ battery  and free range go, taste and protein etc, there is no difference what so ever, the yolk between the two may be a little different in colour,  but they are exactly the same, it is like evert thing else if it looks good it must be better-- all phycological. Their should be no significant with the  price of the same weight eggs.       :)

    I'm gonna get my own chickens. 


    i was going to do that, MsBob, the local council will only allow 5 egg laying hens, no Roosters. -- i canned that idea.

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