    Why not let sleeping dogs lay?

    I mean really. Why poke the dog with a stick every time the chance comes along?

    +4  Views: 536 Answers: 4 Posted: 8 years ago

    4 Answers

    Julie, I suppose I'll throw my  two cents in here since you posted this question and after seeing Bob's answer to you and a few other  exchanges between Bob and you recently here on aka.

     First of all, I do wonder if any of the other members here on aka have noticed all the unusually tensioned comments between the two of you lately as I have noticed.

     I don't know what has happened between the two of you, but it's been made clear by the constant digs the two of you are throwing at each other that  your best friends status is no longer in play.

     The two of you are very beloved members of akaQA and to watch you both b-tc-ing at each other on this site is quite unnerving and it makes members very uncomfortable because the members want to maintain a little neutrality and won't get involved.

     I sincerely hope the two of you are able to work your differences out and restore your friendship, but please keep it private through phone calls, Emails and Facebook messages instead of subjecting akaQA members to exchanges that should be kept private. 

    Best of luck to you both.



    Benthere fight, food fight !
    country bumpkin

    Elementary my dear Watson! :)

    ....agree, we both made our point/s.

    Gotcha. I'll just keep handling it as I have up til now.

    Thank you for your concern, CB, and I regret that you and others may feel uncomfortable with the exchanges between jhharlan and me.

    ....the way I feel when the queen assigns me another honeydo.


    Well that depends on whether it needs poking JH,,some subjects need to be looked into quite if you wanna get to the centre of it you have to poke around quite a bit to wake it up,,now that could sound a bit gobblygook,,however you can achieve things if they are sensibly tossed around by people,,so long as it remains a debate and all parties agree to disagree..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

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