    What should I do about my cat ?

    My cat, Willow is the sweetest thing,but she had taken to pooping every day in my TV room.........on the carpet. I clean it up good everyday. It started when I started a heavy relationship with Don. Should I get rid of her or Don ? Seriously, when Spring really comes, I am going up to Don's summer house in N. Mich. often. I can't have Willow pooping on the carpet everyday while I'm gone. And I can't ask a friend to clean it up everyday.  :-(

    +4  Views: 1505 Answers: 11 Posted: 8 years ago

    Are you going to tell us what your decision is? How do you like akaqa answers? What's up?

    11 Answers

    Have you started to use a different variety of kitty litter in her litter box ?Is the litter box cleaned daily ?Cats wont use a dirty litter box. Even if you’re absolutely certain that the problem is behavioral, you need to have your cat examined by a veterinarian to make sure there isn’t an underlying medical problem.


    Really sound advice.

    To hear you suggest that you may be considering getting rid of your cat floors me since you have come across as being such an animal advocate on akaQA the past few years.

    I had a beautiful calico cat named Confetti who was litter box trained. Confetti never messed in the house until I moved into a new home and she decided my bed was her new litter box. Believe me, I was peeved and the thought of getting rid of her crossed my mind, but I loved her too much to chunk her like a piece of trash.  After a few weeks of Confetti adjusting and feeling comfortable within her new surroundings she stopped pooping in my room and began using her litter box again.

     From past experiences, I would suggest that you throw Don in the litter box before you toss your beloved Willow away like a piece of discarded trash. Pussies Rule!


    CB! You got it 100% right! Your last 2 words say it all!
    country bumpkin

    Thanks Clu.

    Tough choice MCM..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    M/C/M, once we have willow sorted, Don might get jelious ,in which case you will need a h*** of a lot more litter in in his box in the T/V room,

    Willow doesn't like being left alone, take her with you when you "visit" Don, if that doesn't work it's time for you to make a big decision, you'll miss Don for a while but as the old saying goes, there are plenty more fish in the sea. Might he go the same way as Ron?

    country bumpkin

    Cats love fish! :)

    ....visit with your vet.

    I am interested in reading the comments MCM has for the suggestions that have been offered by her akaQA friends.
    I think Willow may be trying to tell you something about Don...does HE treat her kindly? Honestly, whoever may pretend to love me some day better pretend to love the dog and cat at least as much.

    Image result for couples with cats and dogs for pets


    I want to hear more about the "heavy relationship with Don". He sounds interesting.

    Is he the guy who brings over watermelon at 11 P.M.?

    And refuses to leave?

    A prince and a gentleman.

    If you are going to Don's house  for the summer__ It seems you have already made up your mind to Dump Willow! Not Don!  Yes or No???


    We must get up a compain Dont dump Willow Dont dump willow,,,etc,etc,,

    No question,  time to dump Don. 

    Isolate the cat in one room with the litter box, food, and water. Teach it a lesson. Then let out little bit at a time. When you leave , put cat back in room. That's what I did. It worked.

    I dunno. My cat used the litter box or went outside. He'd catch and bring us both snakes. He laid in laps and tolerated the smoke as it was all he knew. To suggest anything otherwise is low and immature. MCM, clean the box real well and move the food closer to it. Not right next to it, just within traveling mode. I understand the cat's selfish motives but considering your methods of dealing with it...well, it shows little consideration for the cat's. How long have you actually had the puss? The cat I mean.....?


    "To suggest anything otherwise is low and immature."
    What suggestions about your cat's disappearance have been low and immature? Are you P.O. because I gave you information about the perils of pets being subjected to second-hand smoke and suggested your cat went out looking for new digs?
    It was information for everyone who has pets and smokes, AND bothers to read comments in dialogues where they don't participate. If that's too deep for you, play in the shallow end.


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