6 Answers
....more room and storage in the laundry area.
8 years ago. Rating: 8 | |

Do you not have enough room to fold your laundry and store your detergent?

Do you have a sink in your laundry room? Women like having a sink in the laundry room. :)
Funny you should ask today! I'm getting fresh paint and new floors going, putting in French doors in the master (there's a huge window, ready to be swapped out), and my son wants to redo the façade of the fireplace. BUT, for a REMODEL, I would immediately say KITCHEN!
8 years ago. Rating: 6 | |

You'll feel like your living in a new home once it's painted and the flooring is laid. I think French doors are lovely. Enjoy your new surroundings!
Lots to do to prep for the guys. Would have been nice to have downsized already with all the stuff!
Getting the bath done will be a treat and a relief. That mold problem being resolved will be a godsend!
Getting the bath done will be a treat and a relief. That mold problem being resolved will be a godsend!
Man cave / office.(Used to be half of the garage).It's pretty basic.I will get around to it one day.
8 years ago. Rating: 5 | |

I hear you Tommyh. My grandfather has a very large storage room near the back of his house where he keeps all his tools and yard appliances under lock and key.
I moved in to a house with blank walls. I fixed that by ordering decent prints and framing them along with a touch of my own work. Th st being said, i guess I would have to attack the kitchen. The woman before me, God bless her , had no taste except for the beautiful black, gas stove. It's something to work around...:..
8 years ago. Rating: 4 | |

Julie, it sounds like you are doing a wonderful job fixing up the house on the inside and the outside and making it look and feel like home.
We could use some new prints too, especially in the living room. :)
We could use some new prints too, especially in the living room. :)
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