    You can change your name! Would you?

    When my second son was born, we decided to give him my maiden name as his surname and my married name as his middle name.  My mother said we couldn't do that, but we learned that we could give our child any name we chose, even Cleopatra, if that's what we wanted.
    I know people who have changed their child's middle name, and one man who took his wife's surname (which she kept) when her father passed.

    What name would you choose to have, if you HAD to change your name?

    +6  Views: 1652 Answers: 5 Posted: 8 years ago

    5 Answers, I'm used to it.

    I have my Grandfather's name,as he had his grandfather's name & so on & so forth all the way back about 400 years or so in Bonny Scotland.One of my middle names is the one you know me by.The other one is for my father's favourite brother.Which gives me a very long name.4 Names in all.All of them long names of 6 letters or more.Another name???  I don't think so.

    terryfossil 1

    Do you feel pride in those names Tom..????????

    Of course! My first name goes all the way back to William Wallace.

    I would no mind Shela,or Dorreen,,

    I already changed my name once (from Julie Ann to Julie Hargrove). Been that way since '75, why change it again?

    I can only answer for myself,,i believe there can can be a lot of history in a name,,though i carry my fathers name,my father did not bring pride to the name,,and i guess neither did i in my early life,,but my fathers father did some very commendable things,and if i trace the name back,i would find some people that i would say,"it would be nice to have known him or her,,so i believe you can bring shame or pride to a name,,as generations down the track,there may be some relations that might want to know about you,,as i am trying to track my name as far back down the track as i can,,i have already found some very interesting relations that i am proud of,,and also some that are not so good..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..""

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