    Is it illegal in your country to smoke with kids in the car?

    Just curious, as in Australia it is an offence to do so in all states.

    +7  Views: 763 Answers: 9 Posted: 8 years ago

    9 Answers

    My answer is obviously the same as Roy's.


    I think the smoking ban in cars should be enforced all over the world because an automobile is such  a confined space and little lungs shouldn't have to unwillingly breathe in the toxins.

    Not quite yet, Scotland was the first country to ban all smoking in pubs, clubs, restaurants etc more than 10 years ago, but legislation for smoking in cars was only passed in parliament last year and it comes into force in October this year, a good thing, but very difficult to enforce.


    In OZ, Romos the general public dob in car smoking with children, very unaustralian, but they feel strongly against smoking, the Police cannot fined them of course, they do get a warning, the police keep an eye out for these offenders, if they are caught an on the spot fine of $200 applies,

    I believe it is illegal in most provinces by now. There is no smoking allowed in most places in places, restaurants, bars, casinos, retail stores, etc., just about everywhere that I can think of. These laws have been in effect in some regions since 2003. Progressive little Canada.      :)

    It is illegal  in my country Bulletman>>>>>><<<<<<<..


    Are you are pulling my leg, Terry,:)
    terryfossil 1 are quick Kent,however you are the only one to ask,,but it is APRIL 1ST..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    I am sorry to say, this is not an April fools joke, Terry. :)
    terryfossil 1

    Okay Kent i give up,i guess i just aint funny,as i have said before,i aint Jerry Lewis..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<< i am going to bed,Goodnight mate.

    I hope i have not offended you, see ya Mate.
    terryfossil 1

    No way mate,all is good,there is only one person on AKA that offends me to great depths,and it aint you Kent..i can take fair criticism,but not trash criticism....>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    Racism is wrong no matter how you slice it Terry.

    It should be.  Smoking should only be allowed in private homes. Just my opinion.


    I quite agree Zorro, but not in the house itself, i have my private little table out the back for smoking well away from the house.

    I agree with you, outside in the backyard where no one else is effected.

    INSIDE, please. My neighbor's smoke (tobacco and pot) wafts into my yard and I can't stand it. Passed by a guy tonight while walking the dog and the pot he was smoking smelled just like a skunk. YUCK.

    ....I agree with Zorro; it should be.

    In British Columbia it is and that is a very good thing.  Smoking and children don't mix.

    A smoking ban in cars with children exists in Arkansas (<14), California (<18), Louisiana (<13), Maine (<16), Oregon (<18), Puerto Rico (<13), Utah (<15), and Vermont (<8). (age of child varies by state).

    It is banned in certain counties and cities of Hawaii, Indiana, Kansas, New Jersey, New York and Alabama

    Smoking in Vans with sign writing ie works vans has been banned for sometime here, about 8 years I think. I notice a lot of people ignore it now though. The smoking in cars where there are children is due to come into force in October as Romos says, but I suspect it will be enforced the same as a lot of other laws now, it won't be enforced because no one gives a monkeys.



    They should give a monkeys, i smoke , not around kids, and certainly not in a confined space as in a car, passive smoking can kill them if prolonged. --- any cigarette advertising what so ever is banned in OZ, even cigarette packets are all olive green, cannot tell one from the other.

    Yep, ALL advertising is banned in the UK too Kent, and all shops can't display tobacco products openly to the public, a lot of stores around my way insist you are over 21 to buy anything tobacco related, personally I think it's a good thing, I'm a smoker but I have recently bought a vaporizer, and it's working for me.
    terryfossil 1

    @Roy.i gave up about 30 years ago,tried many times but failed,finally went on nicorette chewing gum,1 packet lasts a month,i was halfway through my 2nd packet when i decided i was sick of chewing gum,giving up chewing gum was easy,after a month and a half of no fags was easier,,but i still missed my fag first thing in the morning and after coffee or meal,and always down the pub,,however today i never miss it,it is even oft-putting,however as an ex- smoker i stay out of the rights of ex and smokers,,Have a good one Roy..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I stopped smoking about 15 years ago, now I am a anti smoker. When I said people don't give a monkeys , I should have explained ,I meant it's like many other laws , ie spitting in the street, throwing litter, and spitting out chewing gum, riding bikes on foot paths at high speed, all those things that don't seem to be enforced anymore/.

    Same here sunny. Why keep making new laws and then never enforce them. It's not unusual to come out of a retail store on the main street and nearly be run down by a speeding bicycle even though it's against the law to ride on the sidewalk. Grrrrr.....

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