9 Answers
Not quite yet, Scotland was the first country to ban all smoking in pubs, clubs, restaurants etc more than 10 years ago, but legislation for smoking in cars was only passed in parliament last year and it comes into force in October this year, a good thing, but very difficult to enforce.
8 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
I believe it is illegal in most provinces by now. There is no smoking allowed in most places in Canada....work places, restaurants, bars, casinos, retail stores, etc., just about everywhere that I can think of. These laws have been in effect in some regions since 2003. Progressive little Canada. :)
8 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
It is illegal in my country Bulletman>>>>>><<<<<<<..
8 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
It should be. Smoking should only be allowed in private homes. Just my opinion.
8 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
A smoking ban in cars with children exists in Arkansas (<14), California (<18), Louisiana (<13), Maine (<16), Oregon (<18), Puerto Rico (<13), Utah (<15), and Vermont (<8). (age of child varies by state).
It is banned in certain counties and cities of Hawaii, Indiana, Kansas, New Jersey, New York and Alabama
8 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
Smoking in Vans with sign writing ie works vans has been banned for sometime here, about 8 years I think. I notice a lot of people ignore it now though. The smoking in cars where there are children is due to come into force in October as Romos says, but I suspect it will be enforced the same as a lot of other laws now, it won't be enforced because no one gives a monkeys.
8 years ago. Rating: 6 | |