
    6 Answers

    ....wonder where they learned that or from whom ?

    ....Thank God for the student with a social conscience.

    Two sides to every story, this seems a wee bit more than a prank that very young kids would play, there must be more to this because they're letting the "bad" ones return to the school.

    Sweet Jesus! Too much television. These kids should at least been playing outside and shooting caribou......

    If you would like to consider me a harda$$ on this, OK...BUT
    Those children should not be permitted back onto that campus EVER.  There is a huge waiting list; give the spots to someone else.
    Those children also need to have this incident documented and placed in their permanent records, NOT sealed, either; if there are future events (and I've no reason to feel one way or the other), there needs to be a paper trail.
    The children also need to have personality testing done IMMEDIATELY, at the expense of I-dont'-care-who.  They may have disorders that can be evaluated and treated with therapy.
    There needs to be complete follow-up on this in every sense of the word.
    The "victim" - maybe needs to be evaluated also....I don't know all the details.

     I would like to know the full story because the only time I've contemplated hurting someone is after I've been bullied.    I think it's  possible these three students formed a bond after being picked on by this particular student. Can you provide me/us with more information about this event because my curiosity has been aroused.


    I'll try to check for updates from time to time.
    country bumpkin

    Thank you, Clonge. Let me know what you find out.

    How the times have changed..>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

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