"Allowed" - trust me, NO ONE is going to stand by and stop you by saying you're not allowed....
It's in the rules. If the sucker has cracked or decaying teeth, a small sore or cut, they'll get poisoned for sure. I don't imaging that swallowing venom is any good for you.....
I understand what you are saying. I'm just questioning if someone is going to physically stop another from sucking out snake venom because it's against the rules?
If someone is going to try a suck the venom out of a personal snake bite, I'd stop them, rules or no rules.....
OK, Julie, you know best. While you are busy stopping someone from helping, what happens to the snakebite victim?
If you try to suck out the venom,you could end up ingesting the venom via the bloodstream..therefore maybe killing yourself..and killing the victim by washing away any venom on the skin that can tell what kind of snake bit you,,the first and most important thing, stop the victim moving and calm them,call emergency and get that COMPRESSION BANDAGE on,,And keep the victim perfectly still,..we had a young boy playing on a cricket field,he chased a ball into some long grass,,where he was bitten by a Eastern Brown Snake,he got scared and sprinted across the field towards his father on the other side of the field,he dropped dead before he crossed the field,,by running he had spread the venom through his body faster than if the snake had bitten him 20 times..but the boy did not know that..it is not about being "allowed",it is about saving a life by doing the right thing..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..
No, what I meant to write was that if they were trying to suck poison out of me, I'd stopped them....
No there was not Bob,it all happened way to quick..i believe he was 15 years old..>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..
3 Answers
Snake Bites: Types, Symptoms and First Aid:
Super link here: http://www.healthline.com/health/snake-bites#WaterMoccasins/Cottonmouths4
8 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
Do not cut it or suck it,,put some sort of compression bandage above and below the bite area,try to stay as calm as possible,and most important do not move,,snake venom travels via muscle movement..>>>>>>>><<<<<<.. this is what we do in Aussie,however i am not 100% sure it covers all snake bites in all countries,,though the procedure does seem very similar.let me know if this link does not open for you..https://www.health.qld.gov.au/poisonsinformationcentre/bites_stings/bs_pressure.asp
8 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
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