    Would you know a cotton head if you saw one?

    James found a snake (ex-snake) in our backyard. All the google searches only confused what we almost found out. So many different descriptions fit the snake. Do you know your snakes?



    +1  Views: 820 Answers: 3 Posted: 8 years ago

    This looks like a copperhead from the comparison I made online. ????
    terryfossil 1

    Hey JH,it is a Cottonmouth,called so because of the inside of it's mouth being a soft white,,likes water and eats other snakes,and it belongs to the Pit Viper Family and not the rattlesnake family as i have said in my answer..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    3 Answers, too busy getting out of the way.

    ....copperhead ?

    This website should help you identify the snake, JHH.

    A snake once poked its head out of a bush, eye level with one of my young sons. I attacked it with a baseball bat and cut off its head with a shovel.  It was a harmless gopher snake.  BUT, it hissed at my son. 

    terryfossil 1

    "You hiss right back Bob,it works for me",,what movie did that saying come from.??????.>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Not a clue, terry! Which movie?
    terryfossil 1

    Lethal Weapon,Danny Glover says " God hate's me",Mel Gibson says "hate him back, it works for me",..I like all Mel Gibson movies Bob..>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    About 15 years ago, I knew his wife (now ex) Robin, and one of their younger sons. They were really nice people. The one time I saw him, he was pretty intense, getting a little worked up, directing people where to park their cars like it was his life's work.

    I believe it to be a breed of Rattlesnake JH..???????Most snakes do not wanna waste their venom on non food subjects,however a Taipan or Tiger snake will attack more than once..however if you are a West Australian Monitor Lizard,,tiger snakes are not a problem..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..""""

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