5 Answers
No but I haven't been to a wedding in years. The old people that I know are on their third or fourth one....not interested. The young people I know, just move in together. Neither group seems to last long in the relationship. :(
If I did attend, I wouldn't dream of ruining their special day.
8 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
No,but i did put a dent in it,back when i was about 19,a girl i liked but had not seen for a coupla years as i had moved a coupla states away,the grapevine let me know she was getting married,so i rang him up and told him if he married her i would put a bullet in him,i got back about 3 years later and went around to see them,they were happily married with 2 kids,i said G'day and goodbye,,that was a lot of years ago,and i have not seen them since,,she done very well for herself..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..
8 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
Yes, stuck him in a train to London, unfortunately he ended up in London on the morning of his wedding in Kirkcaldy, he just recently spoke to me after about 30 odd years.
8 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
He should have stayed in London.