    Donald Trump has just quoted they Americans are not safe in England,,what do you think??

    +6  Views: 728 Answers: 9 Posted: 8 years ago

    9 Answers

    Depends on what he reckons they are not safe from,Englishman,Pakistanis,Train stations,Buses,Taxi's,Catholic's,Jew's,Budda's,or muslims..and if the answer is muslims,then that could be said of any country in the world,,The easier question is "name a country you are not likely to be harmed by a muslim"Hec,,Nuff said..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..


    From what I've been reading I think I would feel uncomfortable in almost any country. Would love to visit some.Australia included
    terryfossil 1

    And it aint getting any better JDB.>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Come on down JDB! we'll look after you mate.

    Thanks Tommy. I know Terry that's the bad part.

    @ Terry. It is Buddhists.

    @ Terry. It is Buddhists and I really doubt you have to worry about any of us.
    terryfossil 1

    I know that Fish..i have not heard of a monk killing anybody lately that i know of..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    " A monk" ... You just keep on going.
    Spell things correctly with respect and know the faiths before you type.

    I don't normally call people Morons, but you are flipping close Terry. 'Respect' only has two syllables.
    terryfossil 1

    @ Fish.. Are you stupid or something. i just agreed with you,and still your up on your horse screaming like a banshee that had just been stuck,,with a bit of luck you will not reply,but i am not lucky..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    @Terry. A monk does not apply to anything Buddhist.

    It is Lama.

    Having faith in Buddhism is about life lessons. Lamas are teachers and also learners.

    I have learned a lot about myself conversing with you and for this journey, I am thankful.

    I am not sure if you want to continue to push people away. That is entirely up to you.

    He's going down. I don't trust Billery she lies and I think one of the biggest crooks. Bernie is going to tax the rich out of the country along with the businesses and companies that are already leaving, plus slash an already depleted military. The Republican party is going to torn apart. After Trump goes down. Cruse will get a maybe from me Ruebio will be there even less than Obama. I did kind of like Carson's ideals. But that's gone.

    All Americans should travel with their automatic weapons, then the whole world would be a safer place, would it not?

    terryfossil 1

    They got automatic weapons in USA,,muslims have got bombs,guess who is gonna win Roy..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Still got my tongue in my cheek mate.
    terryfossil 1

    Do not bite to hard mate,it will hurt,then bleed..>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Hate to tell ya Roy but automatic weapons are still illegal here. Last I new it was a $10,000 fine and quite a few years in the pen for full autos.

    Danger lurks in every corner, as long as the world keeps turning, life must go on. 

    ....does that imply we are hostages ?

    terryfossil 1

    No Ben,but maybe a step closer to being one..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Funny thing to say when a cop was shot at the Capitol today at an Easter egg race.Maybe you Poms aren't safe in America.

    terryfossil 1

    You sure it was a cop Tom,i thought it was just a crim,the cops hit a bystander via shrapnel,i do not think the crim fired a shot,the crim got shot in the leg,i found that different,i thought they always killed ya..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Maybe you got a later bulletin than me Terry.They did seem a bit confused.Earlier they said a cop was wounded but not seriously.
    terryfossil 1

    Yeah mate,first reports were wrong,,first reports are generally wrong,because they are in such a hurry to be first reports,,they tend to wing it..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..Never let the facts get in the way of a good story,,always treat the news with a grain of salt Tom,until all the facts are in..

    That's the problem with the media, at least in this can listen to 4 different channels and get 4 different " opinions".

    You can here too if you have the time.
    terryfossil 1

    I got the time if you got the money Tom...AAHHH,just exactly what are we talking about guys..>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I was answering JDB Terry
    terryfossil 1

    I know Tom,,i was trying to add some comedy..>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    Hahahaha! kEEP ya day job. Leave the laughs to Jimoen.LOL
    terryfossil 1

    Gotcha Tom,,Jerry Lewis i aint. As for my day job they sacked me 2 years ago,i will retire on 24-5-2016,and i still hate their guts with a vengance.>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Within past year Midland Texas accepted 1000 people from Syria. Its not just overseas.


    With the demographics of Midland, those folks probably are "noticeable".

    Open mouth, insert foot……...


    terryfossil 1

    Surly you do not want to gag debate JH..if nothing is said,nothing gets done..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..


    Trump is a pig. I don't have the time of day for pigs.....

    As i see it,Americans are not safe anywhere including their own country.  

    "Americans are no longer safe travelling to Britain or the rest of Europe in the aftermath of the Brussels bombings because of the continent’s “very, very severe” problems, Donald Trump said yesterday.

    In a warning to the 10.8???million Americans who travel to Britain and continental Europe every year, the Republican presidential contender said: “When you look at Brussels, when you look at the way they’ve handled things from law enforcement standpoints, when you look at Paris, when you look at so many other places ... no, it’s not [safe].”

    His comments were reinforced by John Kerry, the US secretary of state,"

    I don't think he was just picking on GB specifically; he was bashing all of Europe.  He probably just singled out Britain because "you" wanted to ban him from entering the country.  (It would be nice if we could ban him from opening his mouth.)


    I was in Paris thirty years ago when bombings were happening. This has been going on for a very long time.

    I like the words in brackets.

    It would kill me to have to vote. You have my sympathy. I can't believe it has gone this far.

    I sometimes feel I'm clinging to a floating board from a sunken ship while the rest of the passengers are in lifeboats with my political thoughts. Considering who "captains" those lifeboats (Sanders, Clinton, Trump), I'm fine with the board.

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