    Do you use worms for bait?

    I'm farming worms. Perhaps I could make a buck.....

    +4  Views: 506 Answers: 7 Posted: 8 years ago

    7 Answers

    ....I did years ago.

    Always take worms out with other bait,,never know which one wins..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..""

     Garden Worms in farms are not usually used for bait, Blood worms are the best for bait, found using a small hessian bag with meat inside dragged over sand at the beach, they are attracted to the meat and when their head pops up you grabbed them, excellent bait. ( can be used in fresh or salt water )


    Never heard of it or the method of gathering the worms. So, my worms are for not except when it comes to my gardens?

    You hit the worm on the head -- correct, - don't worry garden worms for sale are in demand, excellent for the garden especially their poos. :)

    What kind. Red worms or night crawlers. I use to fish alot. Worms are much more than bait. Gardening now.

    I have in the distant past. People DO sell worms for bait and they CAN make money doing it. However, using worms as opposed to other types of lures, depends on many things....water, area, temperatures, kinds of fish, depth of water, fishing from land or by boat....


    Thought you just "Ducked" for fish.

    I do but I'm talking about others. :)

    Image result for fish worms     Image result for roe as bait  Image result for fishing lure   Image result for anchovy

    Whatever works.....always be prepared.

    When I used to fish, I used worms.......night crawlers, preferably. But, since I became an Animal Rights Activist, I'm not into torturing worms or fish anymore. And I'm against the killing or keeping  of any animals........except for common house pets.



    So, you're a strict vegetarian? No meat or fish or seafood? Do you eat eggs, its bound to hurt the chicken laying them. How about milk; what those animals go through just to give milk in high quantity., torture. So no cheese either? Oh, no! You can live w/o bacon!

    If you had tape worms inside you, would you kill it. By your own admission ,you must allow them to live , breed , and infect inside you.

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