this says it all.
7 Answers
The "Human Hindenburg" is a loose cannon who has no concept of political process or compromise that benefits anyone but himself. He, as Ducky said, is crude, antagonistic, and thinks, just by being louder and ruder, he's right. He alienates people, and incites violent action and reaction. He doesn't know squat about foreign policy or diplomacy. He has no plan for anything that has been thought past his nose. The lack of respect he shows for absolutely everyone and everything that represents what made America a world leader should make you think twice.
Probably the biggest concern is how fast his tune could change if he gets elected.
He runs on anger. That alone is enough to make him dangerous.
8 years ago. Rating: 9 | |

I think the GOP is scared of him. He has no respect, talks before he thinks, is crude, and I think just plain doesn't care what they think. I think it's odd that they haven't figured out why he's so popular, even he doesn't know.. I do think that the majority of Americans are sick and tired of politicians promising everything under the sun just to get elected and then do nothing of what they said. He's not a politician and I think he brought a lot of hope for people. The thing I wonder about is, so far he has been unscripted. A couple of days ago he was. And there was a huge difference. I wonder where he would be at now if he would have learned how to talk.
8 years ago. Rating: 9 | |

Why Zorro.??????????because they are scared that he has so many people who do want him elected,,if they did not believe he could be elected,they would not give a shoot,,,the fact that so many people have a democratic right to vote him in is irrelevant,,that is simply how elections work,it is not about weather he is best for the country.but weather the majority of voters think he is,,pretty simple maths to me,unless of course the American voting system is very different to others,,highly possible..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<.. ....
8 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
He's an incompetent clown that appeals to America's trailer-trash constituency.
If you're part of that clan, whether you actually live in a trailer or not, he speaks your lingo.
I suggest that you elevate the bar somewhat.
8 years ago. Rating: 6 | |