8 Answers
If you open your borders you can expect a lot more of this http://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jan/06/tensions-rise-in-germany-over-handling-of-mass-sexual-assaults-in-cologne You don't hear a lot about it but it is becoming quite the regular occurence.
8 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
Disturbing video. I think that none of us realize half of what is taking place in this world of ours. We are living in horrible times and things seem about to become much worse! Are we all being duped on a daily basis? It is scary for sure and no one knows who to trust.
8 years ago. Rating: 8 | |

Regardless of them being refugees, if the violence portrayed in this film is an example of what they are like, i can see why no country will accept them.
8 years ago. Rating: 8 | |

Yes it's a fact ,they the Muslims intent to take over the world. Unfortunately the liberal leaders of the world can't see it,or don't won't to. Time will tell, most of us will probably not be here to see it, but our children probably will.
8 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
Oh my goodness "the Panama thing"! Now, we dislike our own rich people and it goes on and on.
It has never occurred to you Terry that "A Power" is playing the long game? Syria was ripe for the plucking twenty five years ago. Iraq was the bonus in the bag and the hatred brewing in Afghanistan has been going on for the bulk of my cognisant existence ... mix religion, video game mentality, people who pay attention to the 'smallish-things' and Boom! You have now won the chess game.
There are extreme Islamic terrorists in the Philippines. How strategic. If you don't think human beings are being manipulated on many levels then you are sadly mistaken. ... We are looking at what actually triggers the human psyche, religion, ego, materialism and sentimentality.
There lives some pretty smart minds out there... I am impressed. I would never think of doing this but hey! Ego was never one of my things.
8 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
Place the word, "Pawn" before all of our names.
Complaining about our current global situation is not finding the true solution.