6 Answers
In the 8th or 9th grade I bought a water squirt pen. There were two nerdy guys who sat on the row in front of me. I would squirt the water from the pen towards the ceiling and the water would land on top of one of their heads or land on their desk making their book or notebook paper wet. One of the guys told the teacher there is a leak in the ceiling. It took everything I had not to bust a gut laughing.
8 years ago. Rating: 10 | |

Donut tree seeds! planting instructions included! Dig a ten foot deep hole drop in seed! For glazed donuts pour in 20 pounds of sugar! The "seeds" were Cheerios! LOL!
8 years ago. Rating: 7 | |

The donuts seeds sound so cute, Clu. I bought a cow herd starter kit which were white beans covered in black spots. .
A wedding ring for my first wife.
8 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
So you did not make that mistake again did you,"once burnt twice shy"..Nom..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..
Terry, I was single for 17 years after my divorce, but put my neck in the noose again about 10 years ago. I know I complain but we seem reasonably happy especially because she is in Oz for another 3 weeks.
If she is in Aussie Nom,she will be happier than you i think,,i guess she has family here..????????>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<,,
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