    Here we go again,will we ever really stop this..?????>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..;ion=1&amp;espv=2&amp;ie=UTF-8#q=belgium%20terrorist

    +6  Views: 1682 Answers: 5 Posted: 8 years ago

    5 Answers

    The criminals are always one step ahead of the 'good guys' and now, the criminals are EVERYWHERE! I don't see how it can be stopped. Governments world wide are hesitant to take action when suspicions first arise because they don't want to be seen as prejudiced, racist, etc. Same old, same old. Now what? How can you deal with people who believe it's a good thing to blow yourself up for your God/country!?

    terryfossil 1

    All of these terrorists are of muslim background,,so it goes a long way to suppressing these terrorists if the muslim communities work hand in hand with the authorities,As the saying goes,"keep your friends close,and your enemies even closer",,maybe that works..????????..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    It's going to be difficult.No doubt about it.Maybe Trump IS on the right track.I dunno!

    terryfossil 1

    G'day Tom,Yes trump wants to do what we already do,we are being accused of processing our immigrants to slowly,,however USA has a problem protecting it;s borders,we have more area to cover,,but it is all ocean,,,and we have done a good job since we got rid of Rudd & Gillard..let us hope it stays that way..we must remain on our guard Tom..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Terry I'm glad your getting things worked out over there. The way it's going here we just might apply for citizenship there. Always wanted to visit anyways. P.S. got some Vegemite coming. Got it through Amazon $6.89 U.S.
    terryfossil 1

    JDB,,glad to hear it,let me know what you think of it..Remember mate,a teaspoon of Vegemite in a cup of warm water...Hot toast with butter and Vegemite.and a sandwich with butter,Vegemite and lettuce..$6.89 seems like a good price,how big it the bottle,,as for us getting things worked out,it is going to be a long ongoing job..and hopefully it is not considered racist..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    220 gram. It sounds good cant wait. I can't see how it can be considered racist.. When people that want to kill others try to blend in its gotta be stopped some how some way.
    terryfossil 1

    JDB,keep in mind, most Americans do not like have heard them talk on this site..>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Yes I am aware of that, But I do like a lot of things that most of the people I know wouldn't try. I'll try anything twice. We're going back to Vegas next week I gotta get with Roy, I'm gonna try Haggis out there. I found a few "traditional" Irish pubs out there.
    terryfossil 1

    I thought Roy was in Scotland JD..>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    oops. Your right. When I googled haggis in Vegas it brought up Irish pubs.

    Ok I just found a bunch of Scottish pubs..

    Trump's wall is trade-oriented. It is disguised as immigration control. The man's policies have nothing to do with making America great. His election will lead to riots, and we WILL end up under a dictatorship.
    Don't get all your info from mainstream media. You're getting a very skewed image of who Trumpeter is.

    Could be you're right Phyl.As I always say,I don't usually comment on American politics.I was just using his comments as an example.But having said that something extreme has to be done to curb this kind of cowardly violence.The mindset of suicide bombers amazes me.What kind of satisfaction are they getting?Is it that easy to brainwash people?

    Before all this refugee stuff started, we were warned that refugees would be coming and, hidden among them, would be terrorists. Who warned us? The terrorists.

    @Bob....Exactly. They keep threatening and talking about what they will do. Then, they do it!
    terryfossil 1

    You are right Bob,so now with no borders across Europe,nobody knows who is coming or is very scary,,the only thing saving Aussie is our ocean and border guards..You gotta have borders to protect your own Bob..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Personally, I would appreciate more concern for the safety of the people already here, and many agree with me. There is a way to help others w/o putting yourselves in jeopardy, but no one is bothering to incorporate relatively simple safety measures.
    terryfossil 1

    What sort of relative safety measure would you employ Bob..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I don't have a whole plan, of course, but first of all, a valid ID is necessary. The ID needs to be verified. The idea of disbursing people throughout communities, states, provinces, countries, etc. seems like we facilitate the spread of the problem. A halfway settlement that is carefully monitored might help. There is so much "big brother" watching MY every move there should be no less for newcomers. In other words, without increasing radar, don't let people fly under it. It may sound harsh, but internment (?) camps might be a viable option for the short term.
    Media needs to stop announcing everything it hears...when we find out through news sources, terrorists do also. With our freedom of the press, the censureship would be on them to provide
    terryfossil 1

    Bob have you read up on what our government is doing because what you said is exactly what we are doing,,we have what we call offshore processing,camps are the way to go,but it takes so long to process them because they purposely throw away their I.D......>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Internment Bobette? Franklin D Roosevelt, February, 19, 1942 - Executive order 9066. The Japanese enjoyed the time they spent in that prison.

    What you guys could do as I do completely doubt those internment camps still exist is float barges with those Fima camp type dwelling upon them and place the Syrian refugees on them. That way they could all gaze upon the Statue of Liberty while they wait.
    ... I think this is a valid idea. That way they won't actually step on American soil until the processing is complete. If a refugee is rejected they can be shipped back by boat.

    The solution I have after this is, the global community buys old and outdated cruise ships for the rejected refugees, ties them all together and they can live happily ever after in their very own cruise ship community.

    Prison Camps from the 1940's is not what I had in mind, but some sort of containment pending confirmation of identity and criminal records/affiliations seems a safer and more practical way to admit new people instead of whatever unsatisfactory method we use now.
    I'll disregard the sarcasm.
    I would like to see a process that ensures safety. Is there someone who honestly thinks there is no cause for concern?
    terryfossil 1

    @ Bob,cause for concern.???????.i think the whole world has concern,it is just coming a bit late,,people would have a whole heap of concern for the safety of it's own people..the only ones who are not concerned have their head in the sand like an will always have the yin and the yang..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    @Bob...."cause for concern"....indeed! I wonder how much longer we will continue to pretend how "good, caring and nice" we all are. (We should just love everyone!) It's past time for that to stop and for all of our governments to get together and take some SERIOUS action!

    Yes, Ducky, it's way past time for recognizing terrorist groups by name and "separate church and state". Terrorists kills people in suicide missions to advance themselves and subjugate those who don't agree with them. We have yet to find a government that OPPOSES them and stomps their feet instead of minces words and tangos around them

    Regarding a 'cause for concern', this has not been named World War Three yet however, when almost the entire globe is involved in conflict that kills, that is exactly what we are witnessing. The kick in the pants is ISIS spends a lot less money killing us as they make their bombs in the kitchen.
    In World War Two Hitler didn't want the Jews and so he gassed them. With this war no one wants the Syrian refugees. It wasn't sarcasm Bobette, it was, "Where the heck are we to place all of these people?"

    I would like to wish you all, being Christians, a safe, warm and wonderful Easter. I sincerely hope you are surrounded with family and friends. I also hope your homes are filled with laughter, love and wonderful food. - This I do mean and without any sarcasm or bitterness applied.

    It is good Friday and my home will be filling up in a few hours. We have big Easter weekend plans.

    As ticked off at me as the three of you may be, obviously, did you happen to catch the Pope's Easter Address? I am not alone here.
    terryfossil 1

    @ Fish,i am not Catholic,however i do believe in Jesus and God,,and i actually do like this particular Pope,,however all he ever does is spruik good words,,we can all do that,but actions most times speak louder than words,,this is not an argument or a debate,simply my answer to your Pope question..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I find this Pope to be as Pollyanna as Obama regarding terrorism.
    terryfossil 1


    ....not as long as there are people influenced and willing to die for a cause.

    terryfossil 1

    You may never stop it Ben,but maybe you can restrict the problem..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    We need more control of our borders, as they have in Australia. Here in the UK there are 500 know terrorists living here who have been to Syria joined IS and returned. I believe they should have their passports cancelled once they travel abroad to join these groups of scum, that way they would never be aloud to return. The terrorists who carried out these attacks yesterday were known to the police, how come they were able to travel around as they did, it makes me sick. It's no wonder a lot  people in the world are moving towards right wing political parties.


    One problem is that "known to police" really means nothing in regard to any kind of criminal activity. They have to be caught in the act and then, of course, go through the court process...blah, blah, blah. In the meantime, their buddies are busy carrying out the 'plans'. Makes me sick too SunnyB and it happens everywhere.

    Yes Ducky true, it was on the news this morning that one of the bombers from Brussels was arrested in Turkey , and then released and given a flight to Holland. The European police were told of this , and did nothing,.

    We don't always know all of the circumstances involved and sometimes the hands of the police are tied. They are now saying on the news this morning (re: Belgium) that their 'security' systems are atrocious. They have emergency lines that they can't even contact directly but must be 'patched in'. In 2016?

    Unfortunately this may be a 'No Win Situation', i hope not.


    terryfossil 1

    I am with you mate..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

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