    How does a tierod just fall off a car?

    That's what happened,  it just fell off.  I could have easily been killed or at the least,  have an interesting story to tell. Any ideas? 

    +2  Views: 472 Answers: 4 Posted: 8 years ago

    4 Answers

                   Ball joints and tie rod ends are press fit at the factory; the tie rods take the pressure of the car turning from left to right, are a sealed unit and can't be lubricated. The Ball joints are also sealed units (consider these your knees) and they too are factory sealed. Every time you hit a bump, the shock is transferred to these parts. Since the core of these parts is made of brass and press fit in the steel that surrounds them, the steel wears out. Think of the letter U and that being brass and think of a O fitting inside the U. As the movement of the car puts pressure on these parts it hammers out the brass and makes the fitting loose. This causes the steering to be loose and not noticeable cause it happens over time; however, someone who has not driven the car would notice the looseness of the steering.  If the tie rod breaks, the wheels would point in different directions, and if the ball joint fails, the tire would fall out or over depending which one it was. You could lose either at any time without warning.


    In the u/k cars are all M.O.T. Once a year ,and that being the case its very unlikely to happen BOB,,

    And that's just about what happened. I tried to back out but the tires were in two different directions...

    The nut holding things in was missing......

    Bad Mainteance,,


    I think you are right. I had the car in the shop for front end work. It's scary to think they did not replace the pin. It's a bad thing to lose at 70mph....

    Today's joints are maintenance free.. Meaning you can't Grease them. Make sure the replacement is greaseable.


    I just watched utube on replacing a tierod on a Ford Taurus. Yes, there is a cotter pin holding the assembly with a nut. Both my pin and nut (of course) are gone. So, how long should I have been highway driving without flipping my car?

    JH,very hard to break,if worn you should get some warning of sound,if one breaks,that means only one wheel will track,i guess if the outer cover of the ball joint shatters,that will allow the ball joint to drop out,,however you do not lose your brakes and you still have 1 good wheel on the front..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..Image result for broken tie rod on a car""


    Didn't just break. It was suddenly just gone. No holding cotter pin to establish THE tierod home. See 1993 Ford Taurus tierod assembly on YouTube. I can see the pin and bolt right off.....

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