    Farmers, gardeners, are you concerned about a possible ban of glyphosate ( Roundup)?

    Glyphosate is a herbicide that has been used for 40 years and following a report that it is 'probably carcinogenic' may be banned.

    +5  Views: 1306 Answers: 7 Posted: 8 years ago

    7 Answers

    I like Glyphosate 360,,but it is important to get the mix just right,,some people think if they make a stronger mix they will get a better kill,not so,it means you will get a lesser understanding is it kills at the root base and becomes neutralized in the ground..however like human medicines,if used to often the vegetation adopts an immunity to the poison..if you have to kill weeds should alternate the poison you use..>>>>>>><<<<<<<..""

    The farmers around my area use Polish, Lithuanian, Romanian weedpickers, a lot cheaper than modern chemical crap.

    ....I don't use it.


    Monsanto may find itself on the wrong end of a class-action law suit.


    They certainly cornered the market. Farmers used to be able to save beans to replant next year. you can't do that with Roundup Ready beans. they will bring the hammer down on you and you'll have one heck of a lawsuit on your hands.

    Roundup is ineffective anymore. When they started coming out with roundup ready crops, its crossing over to weeds. Making them almost impossible to kill. If you use the same methods to kill weeds that you did 10 years ago you probably won't even come close to killing them.


    It is just a nightmare.

    The ragweeds are terrible around here they grow faster that the beans covering them and sucking up huge amounts of water. If you let them grow to any size you won't kill them. Last year we learned that. We had so much rain that people couldn't get back in the fields. When they finally did spray the rags just coughed a little and came right back.

    I am constantly picking Morning Glory.
    My next door neighbour is a maniac with his spraying. I refuse. We have agreed to disagree. However, if my massive Beech tree does one spit of damage to his house it will be a free for all. (My tree is a historic part of our community and he wants it cut down).

    Obviously, an historic tree needs to be protected. There is a gigantic oak in front of the home where my dad grew up. It takes 4 adults to join hands around it (maybe more). It is kind of an icon and well over 100 years old, I'm sure. Awesome tree.

    They'd have to find my 4 big bottles I have stashed. It's easy, just walk through the ever growing forrest of beggar's lice. Easily pulled up but the miniature trees and carpet weeds are a bitch. Dandelions as well....

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