    When was the last time you were in a line? Was it slow or fast?

    I hate lines but unlike most others,  I do not think the line moves faster if I crowd the person ahead of me.... 

    +5  Views: 685 Answers: 9 Posted: 8 years ago
    country bumpkin

    I seriously hope you are joking about crowding the person in front of you to make them move faster.

    Oh, true. It happens all the time. I usually solve this by turning around and saying "excuse me?".......
    country bumpkin

    When someone crowds me, I act like I don't notice, but I start pushing up against their basket so they have to step back.

    9 Answers

    At the grocery store a couple of hours ago, I went from the Express Register to a "regular" one because the person at the express had unloaded about 25 items onto the belt, and it's supposed to be 15 or less.  There was a guy finishing up at the regular, so the wait was about 90 seconds.

    ....this morning receiving holy communion.

    I don't wait in lines.That's it. I just don't!


    I've got a story you might REALLY enjoy, but I can't tell it here. The end result was my son being asked not to return to the Conroe, Texas Walmart. :0

    I have never heard of anyone not being able to return to Walmart. That must be a story.

    OH! He gave himself a 5 finger discount?

    Oh, no theft....Waiting in line with just a bag of dog food and the lady in FRONT of him let him go first and the guy BEHIND him got mad. After a few exchanges, my son told the man he was a "Fat ****" and pointed to another line, which, according to my son, was the "Fat ****" line and the man should go get in THAT line.
    My son can be very loud, and, no doubt, everyone at the far corners of the store probably heard him quite clearly.

    So....What did Walmart want him for?

    They didn't care for all the yelling and language.

    Oh! I see.

    Honestly, you can take the Rocky Horror Picture Show into that store and not be kicked out. The minute you swear, you are out of there.

    Walmart is a hostile place. I really don't like it at all. It brings out the worst in people.
    I literally run in and run out as quickly as possible. I definitely don't buy any produce there, ever. What a nightmare.

    2 weeks ago, going through court security. It was fast.

    This past Saturday in the "Line dance" at my daughter's wedding reception..... not fast but jovial.

    Today I had to wait in line for all of one minute before I was waited on.  There are two registers located at one counter and the other register cleared so since I was next in line I could have moved over and I would have been waited on 30 seconds sooner, but I let the lady behind me take my spot because she was an elderly woman and I'm nice . :)

    I hate standing in grocery lines,or talking in them..i put em up on the conveyer and then pack em and get out of there..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..""

    It was slow at first but quicken up when i let one go,,


    You stinker,you! LOL

    Always a line at grocery stores!  Oh well, I like to see what other people buy! LOL



    I do that and if they are buying booze, I tell them I'm going home with them.......

    It's when they say OK that you think, oops! LOL

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