    With St. Patrick's Day coming up, I was thinking. How could so many Irish having died during The Great Potato Famine,,,

    when it's an island, whose surrounding waters, rivers and lakes, were teeming with fish?

    +4  Views: 733 Answers: 4 Posted: 8 years ago

    4 Answers

    It is a very sad story. And,not everyone had a boat.  

    Fishing may have been a required task but, it does involve technique.  


    I figured you'd respond first, with Julie being 2nd (James says Ireland is not an island!)

    James says a lot of idiotic things however, we are mute and he is correct.
    I think we have silently established the man is cerebral torture.
    ...He said England is not an island. I imagine Ireland is just a dot in hyper space.

    The man, such to his own, is a walking book of non-hilarity.

    I would say one more thing except I am not permitted to swear on this site so the last sentence will be left out.

    It grates on my sensibilities just to see his name.

    They are a small land mass, not an island.
    B T W, they could have fished off the shore or off a bridge . That's what we do in Mich. And they could have eaten dandelion stems, wild rhubarb, wild asparagus, wild raspberries, apples, If they didn't have a gun, they could have thrown rocks at rabbits to eat. I know at man who did that when he was 12, b/c the father left the home and left the many children at home with nothing to eat. They lived out in the wilds of N. MIchigan. If you don't have a fishing pole or a hook,or lures, you tie a safety pin on the end of a string and use worms.

    Well, M-Cat, we were not there at the time and I am sure it was difficult for people in cities to go out and throw a rock at a rabbit. Now, if it happened in Victoria right around the University or in White Rock (anywhere) there are plenty of rabbits to throw rocks at.

    MCM, I would suggest that you read up on a variety of sources about the Irish potato famine, and study up on what constitutes an island. Also, look into the history of the Irish at that point in time so you have at least some tiny frame of reference. You make a lot of bold and unsubstantiated comments here that are, at the very least, offensive and lacking in fact, not to mention tact.
    The suggestion of a safety pin and string and a worm is all well and good, providing one HAS a safety pin and string and a worm. GOOD GRIEF! Are you James' sister???

    I am keeping my mouth shut ... tightly. :)

    Yay! I'm number two! Famine? Gosh, the fish is right. Austin is just 4 hours from the coats, still it's no easy task taking the buggy out for a fishing adventure. Potatoes, if grown in the right kind of soul can, along with milk, substain life with all the vitamins, minerals, fats and proteins therein. One can starve eating only wheat (it WAS wheat, right? I eat nothing that lives in the water or jumps in and out .....

    The potatoes basically spoiled overnight. As the primary food source for most of the population and the duration of the "crop rot", the devastation is understandable.

    all of thier crops were proloned by the english,,leaving them at staving point,,


    It was beyond horrible. And, now Syrian children are permitted to experience the same horrible fate sans potatoes.

    Absent landlords and tyrant middlemen played the main roles in the starving. And of course the Europe wide potato blight didn't help.

    To overcome the famine problem they immigrated to New York to join the NYPD. :)

    A lot went to Chicago as well.
    It's really fun in Chicago on St. Patrick's Day. All the fountains are turned green. :)

    green beer in bars

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